Dr. Nelli Babayan

Transatlantic Academy
In 2012-2015 she was a Senior Researcher and Lecturer at FU Berlin, where she also coordinated a work package of the EU-FP7 TRANSWORLD project in 2012-2015.
Short CV
Dr. Nelli Babayan is a Fellow at the Transatlantic Academy and Associate Fellow at the Center for Transnational, Foreign and Security Policy at Freie Universität Berlin (FU Berlin). In 2012-2015 she was a Senior Researcher and Lecturer at FU Berlin, where she also coordinated a work package of the EU-FP7 TRANSWORLD project in 2012-2015. In 2005-2008 she worked for the International Research and Exchanges Board on a USAID-funded project. She also held visiting positions at ETH Zurich, FRIDE Madrid, and the University of Tartu. She received her PhD in International Studies from the University of Trento, Italy (2012) and her MA in Political Science from the Central European University, Hungary (2005). Her books include Democratic Transformation and Obstruction: EU, US, and Russia in the South Caucasus (2015) and Democracy Promotion and the Challenges of Illiberal Regional Powers (2016, co-edited).
- 2015 (published September 2014): Democratic Tranformation and Obstruction: EU, US and Russia in the South Caucasus, Routledge.
Book Chapters
- co-authored with Braghiroli, S. 2014: Googling Democracy: A Comparison of Democracy Promoters on the Internet, in: Solo, A.M.J (ed.): Handbook of Research on Political Activism in the Information Age, IGI Global.
- 2013: The Geek, the Bully, and the Freaks: Diversifying EU Energy Sources through and Exercising Influence in the South Caucasus, in: Boening, A./Kremer J.F./van Loon, A. (eds): The EU: A Global power in the Making? Vol. 2, Springer.
- 2013: The South Caucasus, in: Baracani, E./di Quirico, R. (eds): Alternatives to Democracy: Non-Democratic Regimes and the Limits of Democracy Diffusion in Eurasia, European Press Academic Publishing.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
- co-edited with Risse, T. 2015: Democracy Promotion and the Challenges of Illiberal Regional Powers: Introduction to the Special Issue, in: Democratization 22/3, 381-399.
- 2012: “Fear or Love Thy Neighbour? EU Framework of Fostering Regional Cooperation in the South Caucasus”, in: Journal of Contemporary European Research 8/1, 40-56.
- co-authored with Braghiroli, S. 2011: Il Buono, il Brutto, il Cattivo? Assessing the Imperialist Ambitions of the European Union, Russian Federation and the United States of America, in: Central European Journal of International and Security Studies 5/2, 79-104.
- 2010: Now, Who Answers the Phone in Europe? Cooperation within the CFSP after the Enlargements and the Lisbon Treaty, in: Caucasian Review of International Affairs 4/4.
- 2009: European Neighbourhood Policy in Armenia: On the Road to Failure or Success, in: CEU Political Science Journal 4/3.
Policy Analysis and Working Papers (peer-reviewed)
- co-authored with Risse, T. 2014: So Close, But Yet So Far: European and American Democracy Promotion, in: TRANSWORLD Working Paper 37, July 2014.
- 2013: Home-made Adjustments? US Human Rights and Democracy Promotion, in: TRANSWORLD Working Paper 20, April 2013.
- co-authored with Viviani, A. 2013: Shocked into Adjustments? EU Human Rights and Democracy Promotion, TRANSWORLD Working Paper 18, April 2013.
- 2013: Preserving or Compromising International Security? The Role of the Rising Powers, in: TRANSWORLD Working Paper 13, April 2013.
- co-authored with Huber, D. 2012: Motioned, Debated, Agreed? Human Rights and Democracy Promotion in International Affairs, in: TRANSWORLD Working Paper 6, December 2012.
- co-authored with Shapovalova, N. 2011: Armenia: The Eastern Partnership’s Unrequited Suitor, in: FRIDE Policy Brief 94, September 2011.
- 2011: Neighbour or a Friend? EU Aspirations of the ENP Countries, in: Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso, 17 August.
- 2011: Armenia: Why the European Neighbourhood Policy has Failed, in: FRIDE Policy Brief 68, February 2011.