Dr. Anett Dippner

Institut für Sinologie
Freie Universität Berlin
Associated Fellow
Anett Dippner has earned her Master in Sinology, Theater and Media Studies at Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen and finished her PhD on contemporary female identities in Chinese media at Freie Universitaet Berlin. She worked as an Assistant Professor at Goethe Universitaet Frankfurt am Main and at Freie Universitaet Berlin, where she is currently a research fellow at the Institute of China Studies. Her research interests include all kind of social transformation and phenomena in contemporary China, gender and women studies, Chinese art and calligraphy and media studies. Among her publications, there is a monograph about Chinese modern calligraphy (Zeichen der Zeit, 2009) and an anthology on transnational receptions of philosophical ideas (Kritische Verhältnisse, 2009).