KFG Welcomes New Scholars for the WS 2014/15
With the commencement of the new semester at the Freie Universität Berlin, the Research College is welcoming a host of new scholars from across the world.
News from Oct 01, 2014
The Kolleg-Forschergruppe (KFG) "The Transformative Power of Europe" would like to extend a warm welcome to its new members, who will be joining us for the coming winter semester here in Berlin.
Added to our team of fellows this year will be researchers from Canada, England, Ghana, Italy, the Netherlands and South Korea among many others.
The Kolleg-Forschergruppe actively seeks and encourages academic exchange among scholars of various disciplines – nationally and internationally. Our PhD researchers, post-doctoral fellows, and senior scholars constitute the intellectual core of the KFG. Synthesizing research and pooling expertise through the invitation of visiting fellows lies therefore at the heart of the KFG.
More information on this year’s resident scholars can be found here.