Major Project on „The EU as a Security Actor in Asia-Pacific“ of the NFG Research Group „Asian Perceptions of the EU“ Completed
Apr 20, 2015
After more than four years, the NFG Research Group „Asian Perceptions of the EU“ has completed its first major research project on diffusion of security norms between the European Union and its Strategic Partners China and India.
Based on more than 200 interviews gathered during a total of 24 months of field studies in India and China, 22 Visiting Fellows, 14 Associate Fellows, 14 Working Papers, 10 Policy Papers and Four Conference Reports the NFG analysis showed that the European Union DOES matter in Asian security affairs, even if only to a limited extent. It serves as a security provider in a modern fashion in areas like peacekeeping and export controls: By promoting norms and best practices, offering templates and training to those new Global Actors, pushing for harmonized frameworks and providing a wealth of expertise. Three of the NFG Researchers, Olivia Gippner, Garima Mohan and Jizhou Zhao, have successfully completed there PhDs and are now heading off for Post-doc opportunities. May-Britt Stumbaum, the Director, will continue the research group with Anja Lutz, Johanna Günther, Alina Ragge and Katharina Arseven. The next project is an international collaborative study for the EU’s External Action Service that will analyze the EU’s perception from the perspective of all ten of its Strategic Partner countries. The Knowledge Portal will continue to provide up-to-date information on EU - Asian security policy matters.