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Hearing for the W2 Professorship in "Political Sociology, Focus on Social Movements and Conflicts"

The hearing will take place on 14 March 2023 from 10:00 - 11:15 s.t. at Freie Universität, Garystr. 55, in Lecture Hall C.

News from Mar 02, 2023

We invite you to the public hearing in the context of the appointment procedure for the W2-Professorship in "Political Sociology with a focus on Social Movements and Conflicts", which will take place on Tuesday,

14 March 2023 at 10:00 s.t.

at the following location: Freie Universität Berlin, Garystr.55, 14195 Berlin, Lecture Hall C.

The applicant Prof. Dr. Swen Hutter will give a lecture (20 min.) followed by a discussion (approx. 15 min.) and a 20-minute teaching demonstration followed by a discussion with students. This will be followed by a (non-public) discussion with the appointment committee.

The topic of the lecture is: "Mobilising for Peace in Times of War".

The teaching demonstration is entitled: "Protest Politics across European Societies".

Here you will find the link to the invitation.

Interested students who would like to take part in the discussion of the teaching demonstration should contact Anna Krüger (a.krueger@fu-berlin.de) and Julia Rodriguez (julia.rodriguez@fu-berlin.de) by e-mail by 13.03.2023.

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