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Out now: More stress, less voice? The gender gap in political participation during the COVID-19 pandemic

Roxana Burciu and Swen Hutter

News from Sep 21, 2022

in: European Journal of Politics and Gender | Early View | DOI


Initial fears of a standstill in political participation during the COVID-19 pandemic have not come true. Nevertheless, the voices heard in politics may have changed in such a radically altered social and political context. Specifically, the current article examines whether the gender gap in political participation has widened during the pandemic, reinforcing the gendered impact of the pandemic and state measures to cope with it. To empirically assess the development and drivers of the gender gap in political participation, we rely on original survey data for Germany collected in autumn 2020 and spring 2021. Based on retrospective questions about pre-pandemic behaviour and a within-pandemic panel, our results indicate three points: (1) the COVID-19 crisis has slightly increased the gender gap in participation; (2) COVID-19-related burdens (such as increasing care obligations) have not restrained, but fostered, participation; and (3) this mobilising effect is, however, stronger among men than women. Read more

The study was conducted as part of the "SolZiv - Potential of Civil Society" project funded by the Berlin University Alliance.

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