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New publication: “Empathy During Crises: Investigating Attitudes, Tolerance, and Ingroup–Outgroup Dynamics in Response to Refugee Movements”

Ronja Demel, Lena Masch, David Schieferdecker, Hanna Schwander, Swen Hutter, Jule Specht

News from Jan 31, 2025

in: Journal of Personality |DOI| open access


In times of societal crises, it is pivotal to understand and share others' feelings. Yet, the role of empathy in fostering prosocial responses during societal crises has not gained enough attention. Our study uses the onset of Russia's war on Ukraine to examine three key questions: (1) Is empathy related to attitudes toward pro-refugee policies? (2) Does empathy correlate with a higher tolerance for diverse opinions on refugee policies? (3) Is empathy linked to perceived interpersonal closeness toward social in- and outgroups, including refugees?

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