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Job Research assistant (Praedoc) 75%-part-time job limited to 5 years

Application deadline: 23.09.2024

News from Aug 12, 2024

Job description:
Collaboration in teaching and research at the Research Unit Political Sociology (Prof. Dr. Swen Hutter) and at the Center for Civil Society Research. The position involves a teaching obligation which must be completed in the Master's program "Sociology - European Societies" (in English) and/or in the Bachelor´s program “Globale Soziologie” (in German). The activity serves to improve one's own academic qualifications.

Completed university degree in Sociology or Political Science (Master).

- Very good knowledge of quantitative and/or experimental social science research methods
- Interest in and very good knowledge of research in at least one of the following research fields: political conflict, social movements and protest, civic engagement and volunteering
- Very good knowledge of the English language
- No knowledge of the German language required

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