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"Nuclear turnaround? Yes, please!" Contribution by Achim Brunnengräber in GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society

Latest GAIA issue

Latest GAIA issue

Current contribution by Achim Brunnengräber with Fabian Präger and Christian von Hirschhausen on German nuclear policy

News from May 31, 2023

Nuclear energy remains socially contested. On the one hand, it is once again being traded as a technology of the future, with which electricity can supposedly be generated in a climate-friendly and resource-saving way. On the other hand, the final disposal of nuclear waste has not yet been settled. The concept of the "nuclear policy turnaround" - analogous to the energy turnaround - sums up this struggle. Ending the commercial use of nuclear energy and a good disposal policy are conditions for success for the energy turnaround and the socio-ecological transformation in Germany.
Achim Brunnengräber of the FU Berlin, in collaboration with Fabian Präger and Christian von Hirschhausen of the TU Berlin, has published on this topic in the latest GAIA issue:

Präger, F., Brunnengräber, A. and Hirschhausen, C. von (2023) ‘Nuclear turnaround? Yes, please! Why moving away from nuclear energy and a good waste management policy will promote the energy transition in Germany', GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 32(1), 86-90. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14512/gaia.32.1.3.

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