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Prof. Lena Partzsch at "Phoenix der Tag"

Prof. Partzsch bei Phoenix

Prof. Partzsch bei Phoenix

News from May 03, 2023

Regarding the meeting of the minister with the activists, Prof. Partzsch says that, while the climate protection law goes further than the demands of the "Last Generation", the law is currently not being implemented, especially in the transport sector. The time has come to move on from talk to action and implement concrete measures to reduce individual and freight traffic on the roads. While she welcomes the 49€ ticket, Prof. Partzsch criticizes the lack of a more fundamental change in transport that would make rail transport more attractive than car transport. When asked about the possibility of an agreement between the minister and the activists, Prof. Partzsch considers the discussion to be a good start. However, there is a great deal at stake on both sides - on the one hand, the high symbolic and emotional significance of the car as a status symbol in German society; on the other hand, the "Last Generation" regards taking action to combat the climate crisis as a matter of life and death.

With regard to the Petersberg Climate Dialogue, Prof. Partzsch emphasizes that it is important for Germany to set a good example. It is hard to understand that countries with less money should invest in renewable energies if countries like Germany do not do so. Furthermore, in view of the increasing greenhouse gas emissions worldwide, Prof. Partzsch calls on the German government to actually implement the climate protection targets now. Whether targets are implemented or not is a question of political accountability, she said.

The recordings of the interviews are available in the ARD Mediathek and on YouTube (both in German).

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