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New book "Persönlichkeit und Politik: Zugänge und Fallstudien zur individuellen Dimension des Politischen" (Personality and Politics: Approaches and Case Studies on the Individual Dimension of the Political) with contribution by Prof. Dr. Partzsch

Persönlichkeit und Politik_Buchcover

Persönlichkeit und Politik_Buchcover

Politics is formed and shaped by individual personalities. At the same time, politically acting personalities are shaped by structural specifications of the political system, its institutions and rules. The volume brings together different approaches and case studies to capture this interrelationship.

News from Sep 10, 2022

The perspectives and examples gathered in the volume edited by Prof. Dr. Manuel Fröhlich come from all areas of political science, from political theory to government studies to international relations. Borrowing from neighboring disciplines such as history and psychology, the volume also opens up avenues for systematic research into the relationship between ideas, institutions, interests and individuals in politics. Prof. Dr. Lena Partzsch's contribution deals with the power of celebrities, philanthropists and social entrepreneurs.


Edited by Prof. Dr. Manuel Fröhlich
with a contribution by Prof. Dr. Lena Partzsch,
2022, ISBN 978-3-8487-8425-7
(Publications of the German Political Science Association (DGfP), Vol. 37)

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