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Sustainable cars? Guest lecture on due diligence in global supply chains

Johannes Danz_Mercedes

Johannes Danz_Mercedes

Johannes Danz, Sustainability Project Coordinator at Mercedes-Benz AG gave a guest lecture at the seminar "From Eco to Fair: Private Certification and Supply Chain Laws" on June 14, 2023.

News from Jun 14, 2023

The shift to electromobility is bringing profound changes - and it's coming fast. In addition to technological challenges, this primarily affects global supply chains. Raw materials such as cobalt, nickel, copper or aluminum, for example, are becoming more important. The automotive industry faces the task of shaping this change fairly, i.e. in compliance with environmental and human rights standards. At the same time, the legalization of due diligence is increasing. The Supply Chain Due Diligence Act in Germany will be supplemented in the future by a number of new regulations at EU level.

Johannes Danz, political science graduate and project coordinator for sustainable supply chains, human rights and raw materials at Mercedes-Benz AG explained to the seminar how due diligence in the supply chain is implemented by Mercedes-Benz and answered the questions of the audience.

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