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Prof. Partzsch at NANO 3sat on the UN climate summit in Dubai (in German)

Lena Partzsch bei NANO

Lena Partzsch bei NANO

At the end of the 28th World Climate Conference (COP 28) in Dubai, NANO dedicated a special program on 3sat to the almost two weeks of negotiations and the expected results of the climate summit. Prof. Partzsch provided an assessment on the status of national and international climate policy and placed the negotiations in this context.

News from Dec 14, 2023

On the question of why the climate conferences have had too little impact, she refers to the structures of international climate politics: Although climate policy goals are set internationally, they are implemented independently by the nation states. In contrast to the World Trade Organization, for example, there is no equivalent central body in the field of international environmental and climate politics that monitors the implementation of climate policy agreements and has the possibility of sanctions. This results in a a problem of political accountability.

With regard to the current budget debate in Germany, Prof. Partzsch suggests the reduction of existing climate-damaging subsidies and points to the significance of the current wars and military crises for climate targets. The military sector is excluded from the Paris Climate Agreement and, for example, the emissions of the German army operations are not accounted for.

The broadcast from December 12, 2023, can be accessed here (in German).

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