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After the SDG Summit in New York: Turning Political Intent into Action to achieve Zero Hunger

23-10-19_Panel_Workshop Welthungerhilfe

23-10-19_Panel_Workshop Welthungerhilfe

Prof. Lena Partzsch at Workshop by Welthungerhilfe on October 19, 2023

News from Oct 25, 2023

Exactly one month after the United Nations SDG Summit a stock taking workshop took place. Representatives from politics, civil society, academia, and the private sector discussed, which measures must now follow. Prof. Partzsch participated as a speaker in the panel on the inclusion of marginalized groups in political decision-making processes to shed light on questions of participation and accountability from a scientific perspective.

Background on the event series:

The event is part of a series of hybrid/virtual workshops organized by Welthungerhilfe on the occasion of the United Nations SDG Half-time Summit on September 18-19, 2023. The SDG Summit took place to review the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and provide policy guidance for transformative and accelerated action by 2030.

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