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Lucas Schwarz


Former Staff

Lucas Schwarz holds a Master's degree in Geography (University of Augsburg) with a focus on Political Geography, Renewable Energies and Regional Management. His master's thesis: "The Power of Citizens in the Energy Transition", deals with an actor network using an empirical example (state of Bavaria) and places these qualitative findings in the context of the Multi-Level Perspective in the notion of citizen power. He completed his Bachelor's degree in Geography with minors in Renewable Energy, Resource Strategies, Site Development, and Regional and State Planning at the University of Augsburg in September 2017. His bachelor thesis addresses the clustering of renewable energy plant operators against the background of spatially compatible siting. He deepened his methodological knowledge during two internships (Ramboll Environment & Health GmbH; Research Studio Austria) mainly in the field of geographic information systems and spatial analysis. From 2016 to 2019, he was also employed as a research assistant in the DFG project "Spatially compatible expansion of renewable energies".

Since November 2020, he is employed as a research assistant in the TRANSENS project (TAP DIPRO). His current research interests are justice in dealing with highly radioactive residues, political ecology of nuclear energy, and transdisciplinary research on nuclear waste management. In addition, he has been involved in the COME RES project since January 2022.


Ongoing Projects

  • TRANSENS (TAP DIPRO) - Transdisziplinäre Forschung zur Entsorgung hochradioaktiver Abfälle in Deutschland (01.10.2019 — 30.09.2024): The TRANSENS project is the first attempt in Germany to conduct transdisciplinary research on the disposal of high-level radioactive waste. The four work groups DIPRO, HAFF, TRUST and SAFE deal with different sub-areas of disposal.

Completed Projects

  • COME RES - Community Energy for the uptake of RES in the electricity sector. Connecting long-term visions with short-term actions (01.09.2020 — 28.02.2023): COME RES is a Horizon 2020 project whose overall objective is to increase the share of renewable energy in the power sector. The project contributes to facilitating the development of renewable energy communities (so-called RECs) and supporting the implementation of a regulatory framework for RES communities. In doing so, the project aims to initiate learning processes and exchanges between regions with advanced energy community development and regions with potential for energy community development. The focus of COME RES is on different socio-technical systems, especially energy communities in the field of photovoltaics, wind energy, storage solutions, hydropower and in the field of integrated approaches.
  • Raumverträglicher Ausbau von erneuerbaren Energien - University of Augsburg (01.04.2016 - 31.03.2019): The project explored the question of how the expansion of renewable energy can be made compatible and which spatial planning implications are associated with this. It became clear that the new diversity of actors engaged in the transformation of the energy system has led, as it were, to a diversity of perspectives on what can be called a sustainable expansion, and that economic factors continue to be of very great importance. However, planning complexity also arises from the widely varying local contexts in which the thousands and thousands of projects are each developed. The aim of the project was therefore to identify the essential parameters of a sustainable expansion of renewable energies from the variety of potential influencing factors and to illustrate them using a regional case study supported with GIS.



  • Bräuer P., Schwarz L., Peters I. (2023): Gegenstandsbezogene transdisziplinäre Forschung: Reflexionen aus der WebGIS-Studie. In: Smeddinck U., Berg M. [Hrsg.]: Ein Querschnitt durch die Forschung des transdisziplinären Arbeitspaketes DIPRO, 28-33. DOI.
  • Brunnengräber A., Denk. A., Schwarz L., Themann D. (2023): (Nicht) Mein Endlager. Explorative Forschung zum gesellschaftlichen Umgang mit hochradioaktiven Abfällen – ein partizipativer und transdisziplinärer Ansatz. In: Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen Plus. 36 (3). Link.
  • Krug M., Di Nucci MR., Schwarz L., et al. (2023): Implementing European Union Provisions and Enabling Frameworks for Renewable Energy Communities in Nine Countries: Progress, Delays, and Gaps. In: Sustainability 15 (11), 8861. LinkDOI.
  • Schwarz L., Brunnengräber A. (2023): Now It's Getting Personal - Considering Nuclear Waste Justice from an Environmental and Individual Perspective. In: Schmidt M., Middendorf SL., Purwins S., Walter C. [Hrsg.]: The Plurality of Political Ecology, 27-36. Link.
  • Schwarz L., Bräuer P., Consten W., Schöler M., Guth A., Nissen N., Gaebel B. (2023): Ein partizipatives WebGIS für die Endlagerstandortsuche - Eine transdisziplinäre Studie zu einer inklusiven Kommunikationsplattform. TRANSENS-Bericht-08. Berlin. LinkDOI.
  • Brunnengräber A., Schwarz L. (2023): Vielfalt an Betroffenheit: Politische, räumliche, soziale und zeitliche Skalenperspektiven auf die Endlagerung hochradioaktiver Abfälle. In: Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, DOI.
  • Anfinson K., Laes E., Bombaerts G., Standal K., Krug M., Di Nucci MR., Schwarz L.(2023): Does polycentrism deliver? A case study of energy community governance in Europe. In: Energy Research & Social Science, 100, 103093. DOI.
  • Di Nucci MR., Krug M., Schwarz L., Gatta V., Laes E. (2023): Learning from Other Community Renewable Energy Projects: Transnational Transfer of Multi-Functional Energy Gardens from the Netherlands to Germany. In: Energies, 16 (7), DOI.
  • Brunnengräber A., Denk A., Schwarz L., Themann D. (2023): Monumentale Verdrängung: Die neue Pro-Atom-Troika. In: Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik (2), Link.


  • Schwarz L. (2022): Intergenerational Justice Starts Now: Recognizing Future Generations in Nuclear Waste Management. In: TATuP (Journal for Technology Assessment in Theory and Practice), 31 (3), 37-43. DOI.
  • Schwarz L. (2022): Is It All About a Science-Informed Decision? A Quantitative Approach to Three Dimensions of Jusitce and Their Relation in the Nuclear Waste Repository Siting Process in Germany. In: Societies, 12 (6), 179. DOI.
  • Dylag A., Schwarz L. et al. (2022): COME RES D4.3 Report on Tailor-made Business Models for RECs in Four Selected Target Regions. Link.
  • Brunnengräber A., Denk A., Schwarz L. (2022): Abschalten, jetzt erst recht! In: Spiegel Online - 07.08.2022, Link.
  • Schwarz L., Bräuer P. (2022): An Exploratory PPGIS for the Nuclear Waste Repository Siting Procedure in Germany – a Transdisciplinary Approach to Enable Meaningful Participation? In: GI_Forum, 10 (1), 77-90. DOI.
  • Sieveking J., Schwarz L., Themann D., Brunnengräber A. (2022): Auf dem Weg zum weichen Endlagerstaat - Gelingende Beteiligung bei der Suche nach einem Standort für die Endlagerung hochradioaktiver Abfälle in Deutschland (Policy Paper). Link.
  • Schwarz L., Di Nucci MR., Krug M. (2022): Finanzierung als Bürde für die Umsetzung von Erneuerbare-Energie-Gemeinschaften - Status Quo und Handlungsbedarf für die Energiepolitik. In: et - Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen, 72 (4), 30-35. Link.
  • Schwarz L., Keler A., Krisp JM. (2022): Improving urban bicycle infrastructure - An exploratory study based on the effects from the COVID-19 lockdown. In: Journal of Urban Mobility (2), 100013, DOI.


  • Schwarz L., Themann D., Brunnengräber A. (2021): Räume erobern, öffnen und verteidigen - Über die Wirkung von Macht beim dritten Beratungstermin der Fachkonferenz Teilgebiete. In: Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen Plus, 34 (4). Link.
  • Schwarz L., Themann D., Brunnengräber A. (2021): Von Machtasymmetrien zu flachen Hierarchien im Standortsuchprozess für ein Endlager? - Über die Wirkung von Macht beim zweiten Beratungstermin der Fachkonferenz Teilgebiete. In: Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen Plus, 34 (3). Link.
  • Themann D., Schwarz L., Di Nucci MR., Brunnengräber A. (2021): Power over, power with und power to bei der Standortsuche für ein Endlager - Über die Ausübung von Macht beim ersten Beratungstermin der Fachkonferenz Teilgebiete (FKTG). In: Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen Plus, 34 (3). Link.


  • Schwarz L., Bosch S. (2020): Behaviorismus und erneuerbare Energien - Anlagenbetreiber als Schlüssel für eine konfliktarme und inklusive Energiewende. In: Standort 44, 160–167. DOI.
  • Schwarz L. (2020): Empowered but powerless? Reassessing the citizens’ power dynamics of the German energy Transition. In: Energy Research & Social Science, 5 (63), DOI.


  • Bosch S., Schwarz L., Schmidt M. (2019): Erneuerbare Energien von A bis Z. Institut für Geographie, Universität Augsburg. Link.
  • Bosch S., Rathmann J., Schwarz L. (2019): The Energy Transition between profitability, participation and acceptance – considering the interests of project developers, residents, and environmentalists. In: Advances in Geosciences 49, 19 - 29. DOI.
  • Bosch S., Schwarz L. (2019): The Energy Transition from Plant Operators’ Perspective—A Behaviorist Approach. In: Sustainability, 11 (6). DOI.


  • Bosch S., Schwarz L. (2018): Ein GIS-Planungstool für erneuerbare Energien – Integration sozialer Perspektiven. In: Strobl J., Zagel B., Griesebner G., Blaschke T. (Hrsg.): AGIT - Journal für Angewandte Geoinformatik. 4. Auflage. VDE Wichmann Verlag. Berlin, Offenbach. DOI.


  • Schwarz L. (2022): Political Ecology and Nuclearity - A Novel Perspective for Environmental Justice Research about Nuclear Waste. In: Augsburger Forschungswerkstatt, 07.05.2022.
  • Schwarz L. (2021): Justice in dealing with highly radioactive waste – an empirical perspective. In: Safety of Nuclear Waste Disposal, 1, 201-202, DOI.
  • Schwarz L., Bräuer P. (2021): Improving Participation in the German Search for a Nuclear Waste Repository Site: a WebGIS as a Transdisciplinary Approach to Support Dialogue?. In: Safety of Nuclear Waste Disposal, 1, 209-210, DOI.
  • Brunnengräber A., Di Nucci MR., Schwarz L., Themann D. (2021): From a hard nuclear state towards a soft nuclear repository state – participation, co-designing, learning and reversibility in the site selection process for a nuclear waste repository. In: Safety of Nuclear Waste Disposal, 1, 215-216, DOI.
  • Schwarz L. (2021): Räumliche Gerechtigkeit im Standortsuchprozess für ein Endlager - Die Bedeutung von borderlands und der ostdeutsche Diskurs. In: GeoWoche 2021, Arbeitskreis Geographische Energieforschung. Link.
  • Sierra R., Mbah M., Schwarz L., Themann D., Beninghaus C., Becker F., Bräuer P. (2021): Experiences and challenges of digital transdisciplinary formats (td-formats) in complex and contested research fields. In: ITD 21 - International Transdisciplinary Conference. Link.
  • Themann D., Brunnengräber A., Di Nucci MR., Schwarz L. (2021): From a ‘hard nuclear state’ towards a ‘soft nuclear repository state’ - Participation, Co-design, Learning, and Adaptation by the German ‘Repository Site Selection Act’? In: ECPR General Conference. Link.
  • Schwarz L., Bräuer P. (2021): Improving participation for the German search for a nuclear waste repository site: an interactive map as a transdisciplinary approach. In: EGU General Assembly 2021, DOI.