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Studying & Teaching

Lecture Series Global Environmental Politics

Lecture Series Global Environmental Politics

Global Environmental Politics:
Lecture Series & Podcasts on Youtube

In the summer semester of 2022, the Center organized a lecture series on global environmental politics at FU Berlin. The series includes renowned guest speakers such as Sherilyn MacGregor (The University of Manchester), Andreas Goldthau (IASS Potsdam and University of Erfurt) and Philipp Pattberg (VU Amsterdam). They each provide an introduction to a key area of global environmental politics – from climate, forestry and ocean politics to topics such as ecofeminism and the role of cities. In addition, students made podcasts about implementation in Germany and Europe.

The recordings are freely available on Youtube.


The Center offers teaching in the BA and MA programs of the Otto Suhr Institute as well as open programs such as the Open Lecture Hall of the FU Berlin.

Courses summer semester 2025

Courses winter semester 2024-25

Courses summer semester 2024

Courses winter semester 2023-24

Courses summer semester 2023

Courses winter semester 2022-23

Courses summer semester 2022

Students are welcome to send us their requests for course topics by e-mail, and we will try to consider them. Courses must be registered for the following semester at the beginning of each semester.

Supervision of bachelor's and master's theses

The Center's team supervises bachelor's and master's theses. The prerequisite is that candidates have completed an examination in at least one of the courses offered by the Center (e.g., submission of a term paper), that the planned work is suitable in terms of subject and topic, and that the supervision does not overburden our capacities.

Detailed information on the supervision of bachelor's and master's theses.

Recommendations and References

We provide letters of recommendation and references for e.g. master and scholarship applications if at least one of the Center's courses has been completed with a grade of 2.0 or better. Please contact the lecturer directly by e-mail.