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"Young People’s Vote Survey 2019” on the Federal State Elections in Saxony and Brandenburg

News from Sep 05, 2019

Within the survey on the young people’s vote in 2019 the research group “Political Sociology of the German Federal Republic” of the FU Berlin conducts an online survey on young people on the Federal State Elections in Saxony and Brandenburg. It is little known on how today young people vote and think about elections. Our survey positions itself on questioning 15 – 25 year olds in different communities in Brandenburg and Saxony.

We are mostly interested in young people, because 16 – 17 years olds are allowed to vote at the federal state elections in Brandenburg, while in Saxony the lowest age is 18. This is a very special occasion where we can compare the political dispositions within two neighboring federal countries of the 16 – 17 year olds in Brandenburg who may vote with the same age young people in Saxony who are not allowed to vote. The project should bring a scientific and political functional relevant contribution that helps us better understand the conditions and effects of the reduction of the voting age. The Otto Brenner Foundation subsidizes the project. In accordance with the youth electoral study, it should also contribute to support young people within the electoral analysis, and in politics and media. The results of the study will be published in a workbook from the Otto Brenner Foundation in spring 2020.


Arndt Leininger, Ph.D.

Ihnestr. 21

14195 Berlin


Phone: +49 (0)30 838 64989

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