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Previous Terms

Courses in winter term 2023/24

15004: PSTWA Political Representation (Proseminar)
InstructorProf. Dr. Thorsten Faas
Time tuesdays, 2 - 6 pm
15009: PSTWA Political Participation (Proseminar)
InstructorDr. Philippe Joly
Time thursdays, 12am - 4pm
15082: Political Participation - Parties, Elections, Referenda (Proseminar)
InstructorDr. Andreas Feser
Time mondays, 12am - 2pm
15164: Research Design: Experiments! (Advanced Seminar)
InstructorProf. Dr. Thorsten Faas
Time thursdays, 2 - 4pm
15231: Political Communication (Advanced Seminar)
InstructorDr. Julia Reuschenbach
Time mondays, 2 - 4pm
15462: Qualitative research on political parties with focus on interviewing experts (Seminar)
InstructorDr. Julia Reuschenbach
Time mondays, 4 - 6pm
15550: Colloquium for political sociology (Colloquium)
InstructorProf. Dr. Thorsten Faas
Time thursdays, 4 - 6pm

Lehrveranstaltungen im Sommersemester 2023

15080: Politisches System und politische Soziologie der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Lecture)
InstructorDr. Julia Reuschenbach
Time Do, 12:00 - 14:00 Uhr
15081: Parteien und Parteiensysteme im Wandel (Proseminar)
InstructorDr. Julia Reuschenbach
Time Mi, 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr
15082: Politische Soziologie der Sozialen Ungerechtigkeit (Proseminar)
InstructorArne Carstens
Time Mi, 10:00 - 12:00 Uhr
15083: Politische Psychologie (Proseminar)
InstructorDr. Lena Masch
Time Mo, 12:00 - 14:00 Uhr
15231: Freiheit vs. Sicherheit? Konzepte und Einstellungen im Vergleich (Advanced Seminar)
InstructorLukas Antoine
Time Mo, 14:00 - 16:00 Uhr
15291: Ein Blick auf die "Berliner Blase" aus Theorie und Praxis (Seminar)
InstructorProf. Dr. Thorsten Faas
Time Fr., 21.04. 14:00 - 18:00 Uhr sowie Fr., 28.04.,12.05, 14.07. und 21.07. jeweils 14:00 - 20:00 Uhr
15461: Political polarization and radicalization (Seminar)
InstructorDr. Philippe Joly
Time Do, 14:00 - 16:00 Uhr
15462: Parteien im Wettbewerb - Wahlkämpfe und Parteienfinanzierung (Seminar)
InstructorDr. Andreas Feser
Time Mo, 12:00 - 14:00 Uhr
15545: Abschlusskolloquium zur politischen Soziologie (Colloquium)
InstructorProf. Dr. Thorsten Faas
Time Fr, 21.04. 12:00 - 14:00 Uhr/Sa, 29.04. 10:00 - 16:00 Uhr/Sa, 13.05. 10:00 - 18:00 Uhr/Sa, 15.07. 10:00 - 16:00 Uhr/Sa, 22.07. 10:00 - 16:00 Uhr

Courses in winter term 2022/23

15004: (PS/TWA) Political behaviour (Proseminar)
InstructorPhilippe Joly
Time thursdays, 2 - 6pm
15081: Political ideologies (Proseminar)
InstructorArne Carstens
Time thursdays, 10 -12am
15082: Political Participation - Parties, Elections, Referenda (Proseminar)
InstructorAndreas Feser
Time mondays, 12 - 2pm
15231: Elections and election campaigns as a subject of political sociology (Advanced Seminar)
InstructorDr. Julia Reuschenbach
Time wednesdays, 10 - 12am
15400: Introduction to current trends in political science research (Lecture)
InstructorThorsten Faas
Time mondays, 12 - 2pm
15532: Electoral systems and political representation, part 1 (Projektseminar)
InstructorThorsten Faas
Time thursdays, 8 - 10am
15532a: Electoral systems and political representation, part 2 (Projektseminar)
InstructorThorsten Faas
Time thursdays, 10 - 12am
15544: Colloquium for political sociology (Colloquium)
InstructorThorsten Faas
Time thursdays, 2 - 4pm

Courses in summer term 2022

15070: Political System and Political Sociology of the Federal Republic of Germany (Lecture)
InstructorProf. Dr. Thorsten Faas
Time tuesdays, 12 - 2pm
15092: Politische Kommunikation (Proseminar)
Time wednesdays, 4 - 6 pm
15250: Politics and generations (Advanced Seminar)
InstructorDr. Philippe Joly
Time tuesdays, 2 - 4 pm
15360: Parteien im Wettbewerb – Wahlkämpfe und Parteienfinanzierung (Seminar)
InstructorDr. Andreas Feser
Time mondays, 12 - 2 pm
15361: Parties and policy fields (Seminar)
Time tuesdays, 4 - 6 pm
15428: Colloquium for political sociology (Colloquium)
InstructorProf. Dr. Thorsten Faas
Time tuesdays, 2 - 4 pm
15509: Research design (Advanced Seminar)
InstructorProf. Dr. Thorsten Faas
Time thursdays, 8 - 10 pm

Courses in winter term 2021/22

15091: Political Participation – Parties, Elections, Referenda (Proseminar)
InstructorDr. Andreas Feser
Time fridays 12 - 2 pm
15094: (METH) Election Campaign Research (Proseminar)
InstructorSimon Richter, M.A.
Time wednesdays, 4 - 6pm
15301: Introduction to current trends in political science research (Lecture)
InstructorProf. Dr. Thorsten Faas
Time mondays, 12 - 2pm
15360: Innerparteiliche Demokratie (Seminar)
Time fridays, 10am - 12pm
15401wise2122: (METH) Campaign Dynamics 2017 (Projektseminar)
InstructorProf. Dr. Thorsten Faas
Time wednesdays, 12 - 16pm
15402: Political Participation: Quantitative Analysis with R (Project)
InstructorDr. Philippe Joly
Time Di, 14:00 - 16:00 Uhr
15414: (METH) Political Scientists in Germany's Super Election Year 2021 (Project)
InstructorProf. Dr. Thorsten Faas
Time thursdays, 8 - 10am
15423: Kolloquium zur politischen Soziologie (Colloquium)
InstructorProf. Dr. Thorsten Faas
Time thursday, 2 - 4 pm

Courses in summer term 2021

16092: Political Communication (Proseminar)
InstructorSimon Richter, M.A.
Time wednesdays 4-6pm
15094: Theoretical and Empirical Approaches to Populism Research (Proseminar)
InstructorNicole Loew, M.A.
Time tuesdays 12-2pm
15251: Protest and Democracy: New Tensions in Times of Pandemic (Advanced Seminar)
InstructorPhilippe Joly
Time wednesdays 10am-12pm
15360: Parties in Competition - Election Campaigns and Party Financing (Proseminar)
InstructorDr. Andreas Feser
Time mondays 12-2pm
15430: Colloquium for Political Sociology (Colloquium)
InstructorProf. Dr. Thorsten Faas
Time wednesdays 12-2pm

Courses in winter term 2020/21

15093: (METH) Election Campaign Research (Proseminar)
InstructorSimon Richter, M.A.
Student Profile Bachelor
Time wednesdays 4-6pm (synchron + asynchron)
15091: Political Participation - Parties, Elections, Referenda (Proseminar)
InstructorDr. Andreas Freser
Student Profile Bachelor
Time mondays 12-2pm
15250: (METH) Current Research in Political Behavior (Advanced Seminar)
InstructorArndt Leininger, Ph.D.
Student Profile Bachelor
Time tuesdays 4-6pm
15251: (METH) Direkte Demokratie (Advanced Seminar)
InstructorArndt Leininger, Ph.D.
Student Profile Bachelor
Time tuesdays 2-4pm
15300: Introduction to current trends in political science research (Lecture)
InstructorDr. Thorsten Faas
Student Profile Master
Time mondays 12-2pm
15360: (METH) Political Psychology (Seminar)
InstructorDr. Thorsten Faas
Student Profile Master
Time thursdays 8-10am synchron)
15403a: (METH) Electoral Systems - Usage and Consequences: The Case of Hamburg (Projektseminar)
InstructorDr. Thorsten Faas
Student Profile Master
Time thursdays 12-2pm
15404/a: Politische Einstellungen in Zeiten von Corona I/II (Projektseminar)
InstructorDr. Thorsten Faas
Student Profile Master
Time wednesdays 12-4pm
15420: Colloquium for political sociology (Colloquium)
InstructorDr. Thorsten Faas
Time thursdays 2-4pm (synchron)

Courses in summer term 2020

15090: Political System and Political Sociology of the Federal Republic of Germany (Lecture)
InstructorProf. Dr. Thorsten Faas
15091: Political Communication (Proseminar)
InstructorSimon Richter, M.A.
15092: Theories of Electoral Behavior (Proseminar)
InstructorDr. Aiko Wagner
15093: Party System Change in German and Europe (Proseminar)
InstructorDr. Aiko Wagner
15251: Historical Political Economy (Advanced Seminar)
InstructorDr. Max Schaub
15360: Parties in Competition - Election Campaigns and Party Financing (Seminar)
InstructorDr. Andreas Feser
15403/-a: Electoral Systems - Usage and Consequences: The Case of Hamburg (Projektseminar)
InstructorProf. Dr. Thorsten Faas
15423: Colloquium for Political Sociology (Colloquium)
InstructorProf. Dr. Thorsten Faas

Courses in winter term 2019/2020

15008: (TWA/MWA) Politisches System und politische Kultur der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Proseminar)
InstructorArndt Leininger, Ph.D.
Time Wednesdays 2-6pm
15090: (METH) Einführung in die Politische Soziologie (Lecture)
InstructorProf. Dr. Thorsten Faas
Time Thursdays 12-2pm
15091: (METH) Wahlkampfforschung (Proseminar)
InstructorSimon Richter, M.A.
Time Wednesdays 4-6pm
15092: Politische Partizipation - Parteien, Wahlen, Plebiszite (Proseminar)
InstructorDr. Andreas Feser
Time Mondays 12-2pm
15093: Einführung in aktuelle Trends der politikwissenschaftlichen Forschung (Lecture)
InstructorProf. Dr. Thorsten Faas
Time Mondays 12-2pm
15093: (METH) Politische Einstellungen im wiedervereinigten Deutschland (Proseminar)
InstructorProf. Dr. Thorsten Faas
Time Thursdays 8-10am
15360: (METH) Jugend und Politik (Seminar)
InstructorProf. Dr. Thorsten Faas
Time Wednesday 2-4pm
15423: Kolloquium zur politischen Soziologie (Colloquium)
InstructorProf. Dr. Thorsten Faas
Time Thursdays 2-4pm

Courses summer term 2019

15091: Einführung in die Wahlforschung (Proseminar)
InstructorProf. Dr. Thorsten Faas
Time Thursdays 10am-12pm
15092: Politische Kommunikation (Proseminar)
InstructorSimon Richter, M.A.
Time Thursdays 8-10am
15093: Populismus in Theorie und Empirie (Proseminar)
InstructorNicole Loew, M.A.
Time Thursdays 8-10am
15094: Das Politische System der BRD und der EU aus Sicht der Bürger*Innen (Proseminar)
InstructorArndt Leininger, Ph.D.
Time Thursday 4-6pm
15250: Demoskopie, Duelle, Twitter - Wahlkämpfe heute (Advanced Seminar)
InstructorProf. Dr. Faas
Time Thursdays 8-10am
15360: Voting in elections and referendums (Seminar)
InstructorArndt Leininger, Ph.D.
Time Thursdays 2-4pm
15361: Parteien im Wettbewerb - Wahlkämpfe & Parteienfinanzierung (Seminar)
InstructorAndreas Feser
Time Mondays 12-2pm
15400: Europawahl 2019 (Teil I) (Project)
InstructorProf. Dr. Thorsten Faas
Time Wednesdays 12-2pm
15400a: Europawahl 2019 (Teil II) (Project)
InstructorProf. Dr. Thorsten Faas
Time Wednesdays 2-4pm
15432: Kolloquium zur politischen Soziologie (Colloquium)
InstructorProf. Dr. Thorsten Faas
Time Thursdays 2-4pm

Courses in winter term 2018/19

15090: WiSe 18/19 Einführung in die politische Soziologie (Lecture)
InstructorThorsten Faas
Time Thursdays 12-2pm
15091: WiSe 18/19 Parteien und Parteisysteme (Proseminar)
InstructorNicole Loew
Time Fridays 10am-12pm
15092: WiSe 18/19 Wahlkampfforschung (Proseminar)
InstructorSimon Richter
Time Thursdays 4-6pm
15093: WiSe 18/19 Direkte Demokratie (Proseminar)
InstructorArndt Leininger
Time Wednesdays 12-2pm
15250: WiSe 18/19 (METH) Wahlforschung replizieren (Advanced Seminar)
InstructorThorsten Faas
Time Wednesday 12-2pm
15361: WiSe 18/19 Politische Psychologie (Seminar)
InstructorThorsten Faas
Time Thursdays 8-10am
15362: WiSe 18/19 (METH) Natürliche Experimente in der Politikwissenschaft (Seminar)
InstructorArndt Leininger
Time Wednesdays 2-4pm
15432: WiSe 18/19 Kolloquium zur politischen Soziologie (Colloquium)
InstructorThorsten Faas
Time Thursdays 2-4pm