Malika Bouziane

Ehemalige wiss. Mitarbeiterin am SFB 700, Teilprojekt B6
Malika Bouziane was a member of the Center for Middle Eastern and North African Politics and Research Associate at the Collaborative Research Center 700 ‘Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood: New Modes of Governance?’ at Freie Universität Berlin from 2008 until 2014.
Her research focused on participation in parliamentary and municipal elections in Jordan with a specific focus on the impact of informal participatory politics on local governance structures and discursive perceptions of state. Since 2008, she has been investigating decentralization in Jordan through the Collaborative Research Center, empirically focusing on the impact of decentralization on participation and governance institutions. Since 2011, she has been researching social unrest and protests in Jordan. Conceptually Bouziane is interested in the concepts of neo-institutionalism, informality, power, and authority, as well as the transformation of state-society relations and unconventional forms of participation.
- Bouziane, Malika 2013: Jordanisches Demokratietheater - Die Wahl zum 17. Parlament.In: Schattenblick NAHOST/1008; online:
- Bouziane, Malika; Harders, Cilja und Anja Hoffmann 2013: Rethinking Governance: Understanding Politics beyond the Centre. In: Bouziane, Malika; Harders, Cilja und Anja Hoffmann (Eds.): Local Politics and Contemporary Transformation in the Arab World - Governance Beyond the Center. Series: Governance and Limited Statehood, Hampshire. (forthcoming)
Bouziane, Malika 2013: Negotiating Informal Institutional Change: Understanding Local Politics in Jordan. In: Bouziane, Malika; Harders, Cilja und Anja Hoffmann (Eds.): Local Politics and Contemporary Transformation in the Arab World - Governance Beyond the Center. Series: Governance and Limited Statehood, Hampshire. (forthcoming)
Bouziane, Malika 2013: Jordanisches Demokratietheater - Die Wahl zum 17. Parlament. In: INAMO Nr. 73, Volume 19, pp. 55-58.
Bouziane, Malika; Harders, Cilja; Hoffmann, Anja (Eds.) 2013: Local Politics and Contemporary Transformation in the Arab World - Governance Beyond the Center. Series: Governance and Limited Statehood, Hampshire. (forthcoming)
Bouziane, Malika/ Lenner, Katharina 2013: Jenseits 'monarchischer Stabilität': Jordanien in Bewegung (Beyond 'Monarchical Stability': Jordan in Motion): In:Jünemann/Zorob (Eds.): Arabellion‘s. Zur Vielfalt von Protest und Revolte im Nahen Osten und Nordafrika, Wiesbaden.
Bouziane, Malika/ Lenner, Katharina 2011: Protests in Jordan: Rumblings in the Kingdom of Dialogue. In: Protests, revolutions and transformations – the Arab World in a Period of Upheaval. Working Paper No. 1, July 2011. Working Paper der Arbeitsstelle Politik des Vorderen Orients, Berlin.
Bouziane, Malika/Hoffmann, Anja 2011: German cooperation and work of the GIZ in the Middle East and North Africa. In: Financing Agricultural and Rural Development in the Mediterranean, CIHEAM Watch Letter, 17.
Bouziane, Malika 2010: Parlamentswahlen in Jordanien: Ein Déja Vue der Ereignisse (Parliamentary Elections in Jordan: A 'Déjà Vu'). In: INAMO, Nr. 64, Volume 16, pp. 46-49.
Bouziane, Malika 2010: The State from Below: Local Governance Practices in Jordan. In: Journal of Economic and Social Research, No 12, Volume 1, pp. 33-61.
Bouziane, Malika 2009: Große Pläne für ein kleines Land: Dezentralisierungsversuche in Jordanien (Huge Plans for a Small Country: Dezentralisation in Jordan). In: INAMO (Jordanien), No. 59, Volume 15, pp. 14 – 18.
Bouziane, Malika 2009: EU-Genderpolitik: Ein Tropfen auf den heißen Stein? (EU- Genderpolicy: Just a Drop in the Ocean?). In: Mediterranes 1/2009, Seite 24-25, pp. 36-38.
Malika Bouziane 2009: Die Union für das Mittelmeer: „Visionär und mutig“ (The for the Mediterranean:'Brave and Visionary'). Interview with S.E. Rachad Bouhlal, the Moroccan Ambassador in Germany. In Mediterranes 1/2009, pp. 24-25.
05/2012: Panel Discussion "Women in the Arab Spring" - 'Forum Gender-Studies' in Cooperation with the 'Gender-Equality-Office' of the University of Bonn.
02/2012: "Governance Beyond the Centre- Informality, Institutions and Contested Power Structures in Authoritarian Context". Paper presented: "Celebrating a National Wedding: Elections in the periphery of Jordan".
10/2011:18. International DAVO Congress, Berlin; Paper presented: Elections in Jordan: A contested battlefield? Insights from the periphery of Jordan.
04/2011: Mediterranean Research Meeting, Montecatini/ Italy; Paper presented: Informalizing Welfare: Neoliberalization in Morocco and Jordan.
01/2010: Agents of change in the Euro-Mediterranean Space: Politics and social transformation from a local perspective, Berlin/Germany; Paper presented:Transformative Practices of Ordinary People in Amman and Ma’an, Jordan.
09/2009: Middle East Studies Association, Boston/Massachusetts; Paper presented: Local Governance Institutions: Relevance for Authoritarian Stability from Below: The Case of Amman and Ma’an.
03/2009:Mediterranean Research Meeting, Montecatini/ Italy; Paper presented: The State from Below: Local Governance in Jordan.
Voluntary Work
06/2010- Present: Member of the Network for a New European Generation, Brussels
02/2009- 09/2011: Board Member of The German-Moroccan Competence Network, Munich/Germany
06/2006- Present: Writing articles and reports for the multicultural magazine GAZELLE; Published articles: "l Honour Killings in Jordan"; "l Who Am I? The Search of Identity of Migrant Women in Germany The Islamic World and Global Challenges