Zur Demokratie in Europa: Unionsbürgerschaft und euröpäische Öffentlichkeit, JMCE discussion, 15 May 2014
Discussion with Berlin Candidates before the Elections for the European Parliament, 13 May 2014
Debate Watching Party with the Maastricht University, 28 April 2014
"Die Europäische Union und ihre BürgerInnen", JMCE conference, 5 July 2012
"Krisenmanagement in der Eurozone", JMCE Panel Discussion, 14 February 2012
Authors' workshop on EU compliance, 4 November 2011
"Zwischen Lobbyismus und Bürgerbeteiligung: Möglichkeiten zivilgesellschaftlicher Partizipation in Europa nach dem Vertrag von Lissabon", JMCE Round-Table Discussion, 23 June 2011
Winter Method School "Researching the Public Sphere: Methods for Content and Discourse Analysis", 16 to 20 November 2010
Workshop "The Other Side of the Coin: The Single Currency and European Citizenship", 11 October 2010
Round-Table Disussion 'The Financial Crisis in Greece', 1 June 2010
Authors' Workshop on Computer-Aided Methods of Textual Analysis, 27 May, 2010
International Workshop 'EU-Asia-Perspectives' in January 2010
Visit of the Japanese Delegation in October 2009
Jean Monnet Conference, 7-8 September 2009, Brussels