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I. Comparative Public Policy

In this research stream, we look at the design, form and content of policy instruments from a comparative perspective. We seek to make policy measures measurable and to compare them across countries. The points of interest are changes in economic, employment, social and family policies through external (EU) and internal (demographic change, gender roles, party competition) factors. On a more general level, we are interested in the relationship between state and market dynamics.

Databases, ongoing projects and recent publications

Soz-Pol Database

Project Network „Europäische Wirtschafts- und Sozialintegration“ zu aktuelle Krisenphänomene und Verteilungsfolgen der europäischen Integration  (Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung Köln, Universität Bremen, Universität Tübingen, Freie Universität Berlin).

- Hartlapp, M. (forthcoming) ‘Synergies and tensions between environmental and social goals in public procurement’. In Domorenok, E., Graziano, P. and Zimmermann, K. (eds) The eco-social polity? Theoretical, conceptual and empirical issues, Bristol, Bristol University Press/ Policy Press

- Hartlapp, M. (2023). Beyond "economic nationalism"? Populist parties (limited) influence on public procurement in France and Germany. Paper presented at the workshop "The impact of 'populism' on European Public Policy" at the EUI, Florence.

- Hartlapp, M. (2021). Soziale Mindeststandards auf EU-Ebene: Der Weg zu besseren Arbeits- und Lebensbedingungen. Video contribution for the Citizens' Dialogue of the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs on June 18-19, 2021, on "The EU in and after the pandemic: What's next for social Europe?" To the video (GER).

- Hartlapp, M. (2020). Kommentar: Zwei Vorschläge für einen fairen und sozialen Binnenmarkt. WSI-Mitteilungen 73(4): 222. To the Article

- Hartlapp, M. (2020). Measuring and comparing the regulatory welfare state: Social objectives in public procurement: Special Issue "The Reassertion of the Regulatory Welfare State". Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, 691(1):68-83. To the Article