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Spatial Politics in Times of the Global Pandemic – Pandemic Research of the Division Communication Theory

News from Jun 22, 2020

As co-applicant, Barbara Pfetsch is part of the research project "Raumpolitiken in Zeiten der SARS-CoV-2 Pandemie" ("Spatial Politics in Times of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic"). The team around Prof. Dr. Jörg Stollmann, Chair for Urban design and Urbanization at TU Berlin, aims to explore alternative ways of reacting to the current pandemic by investigating spatial-political practices and their emotional engagement. The project compares different logics of action at the level of the state, institutional organizations and everyday life with two contrastive cases of South Korea and Germany. Through an interdisciplinary approach combining communication studies and architecture/urban design, the research focuses on practices and emotional experiences in both physical and digital spaces.

The research project is funded by the Berlin University Alliance through a special call for pandemic research. The collected data will be further analyzed by the SFB 1265 "Re-Figuration of Spaces".

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