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Open Position (PostDoc) for SFB Affective Societies

News from Jul 12, 2023

The research assistant position is located in the project “Öffentlichkeit: Projektbiographien - Affective Archives” (Public: Project Biographies - Affective Archives / TPÖ) of the special research center “Affective Societies”. The goal of the project is, to make multimodal and multilingual representations accessible to a wider public with the means of projectbiographic interviews. The research assistant is expected to develop innovative formats of science communication within SFB Affective Societies using for example podcasts, videos, cartoons or workshops. 

The position includes a full time employment limited until 30.06.2027 and salary of Entgeltgruppe 13 of TV-L. 

More information under https://www.fu-berlin.de/universitaet/beruf-karriere/jobs/wiss/15_fb-politik-und-sozialwissenschaften/PS-SFB1171-Postdoc-TPOe-2023.html

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