Publications 2021
Zuletzt aktualisiert am 15.02.2022
- Monograph
- Editorship of a Book/Collection
- Editorship of a Journal/Series of Publications
- Contribution to a Book/Collection
- Journal Article
- Other Digital Publications
- Reviews
- Dilger, Hansjörg
Learning Morality, Inequalities, and Faith: Christian and Muslim Schools in Tanzania: Cambridge University Press & International African Institute, 2021 (The International African Library). ISBN: 9781009082808. -
Editorship of a Book/Collection
- Hansjörg Dilger & Matthias Warstat (Hg.)
"Umkämpfte Vielfalt: Affektive Dynamiken institutioneller Diversifizierung"
Campus 2021; 340 S. (ebook) ISBN 9783593447728
Open Access verfügbar! Link zum Herunterladen des pdf befindet sich hier:
- Gültekin, Ahmet Kerim; Süvari, Çakır Ceyhan (Hrsg.)
The Ethno-Cultural Others of Turkey – Contemporary Reflections : Collective monograph on ethnic and religious minorities of modern Turkey. - Yerevan: Russian-Armenian University Press, 2021. - XII + 271 pp (RAU YEREVAN ORIENTAL SERIES, Vol 5); ISBN: 978-9939-67-263-2. -
Free Download here:
Editorship of a Journal/Series of Publications
- Mashimi, Kristina Franziska; Stodulka, Thomas; Dilger, Hansjörg; von Poser, Anita; Mattes, Dominik; Röttger-Rössler, Birgitt (Hrsg.)
Envisioning Anthropological Futures (and Provincializing their Origins) Special Section; Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 145 (1): Reimer, 2021. - 145 ; ISSN: 044-2666. - URL:
Contribution to a Book/Collection
- Bens, Jonas
Ikonoklasmus vor Gericht: Die Mausoleen von Timbuktu als geschändete Körper
in: Körper-Kränkungen: Der menschliche Leib als Medium der Herabsetzung / Israel, Uwe; Müller, Jürgen - 142-172 - Berlin: Campus.
URL: - Dilger, Hansjörg
Bildung, Moral und sozioreligiöse Ungleichheiten: Christliche und islamische Schulen im Entwicklungsmarkt Tansanias
in: Religion und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. Positionen aus Politik, Praxis und Afrikaforschung / Sebastian Müller, Eva Spies und Heike Wagner (Hg.) - Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2021. S.95-118. ISBN: 978-3-8487-7996-3. -
URL: - Dilger, Hansjörg; Warstat, Matthias
Einleitung. Kulturelle Vielfalt und institutioneller Wandel.
In: Umkämpfte Vielfalt: Affektive Dynamiken institutioneller Diversifizierung. / Hansjörg Dilger und Matthias Warstat (Hg.). - Frankfurt a.M.: Campus, 2021. - S. 7-48 - ISBN: 9783593514123. -
URL: - Freire de Andrade Neves, Marcos
Chronic living in zombieland: Care in between survival and death
in: Unequal States: Ethnographic , Managing Chronicity in Perspectives on Caring / Laura Montesi, Melania Calestani: UCL Press, 2021. - 217-234. ISBN: 978-1800080294.
URL: - Mattes, Dominik; Kasmani, Omar; Dilger, Hansjörg
Regieren religiöser Vielfalt: Chance für Verständigung oder selektives Einhegen von Differenz?
In: Umkämpfte Vielfalt: Affektive Dynamiken institutioneller Diversifizierung / Hansjörg Dilger und Matthias Warstat (Hg.). - Frankfurt a.M.: Campus, 2021. - S. 139-16; URL:
- Gültekin, Ahmet Kerim
Dersim as a Sacred Land - Contemporary Kurdish Alevi Ethno-Politics and Environmental Struggle
in: Ecological Solidarity and the Kurdish Freedom Movement Thought, Practice, Challenges, and Opportunities / Stephen Hunt. - Lanham, Boulder, New York, London: Lexington Books, 2021. - pp 225-243 (Environment and Society)
ISBN: 978-1-7936-3384-2. - URL: - Gültekin, Ahmet Kerim
“Kurdish Alevis: A Peculiar Cultural Identity at the Crossroad of Multiple Ethno-Politics
in: The Ethno-Cultural Others of Turkey – Contemporary Reflections / Ahmet Kerim Gültekin, Çakır Ceyhan Suvari. - Yerevan: Russian-Armenian University Press, 2021. - pp 39-71; ISBN: 978-9939-67-263-2. -
Free Download: URL: - Ivanov, Paola; Bens, Jonas
Koloniale Diversität: Die affektiven Regierungsmodi des Liberalismus am Beispiel des Humboldt Forums
in: Umkämpfte Vielfalt: Affektive Dynamiken institutioneller Diversivizierung - Hansjörg Dilger, Hansjörg; Warstatt, Matthias - 164-185. Berlin: Campus. (2021)
URL: - Müller, Max
Transnational Life Trajectories and the Notion of Return—German-Born Việt Kiều (Overseas Vietnamese) Travelling to Their Ancestral Homeland
in: Vietnam at the Vanguard. Asia in Transition. New Perspectives Across Time, Space, and Community / Jamie GillenLiam C. KelleyLe Ha Phan: Springer, 2021. - 17-32 (Asia in Transition, Vol. 15)
ISBN: 978-981-16-5054-3. - DOI: -
URL: - Stodulka, Thomas
Fieldwork, Ethnography, and Knowledge Construction
in: The SAGE Handbook of Cultural Anthropology. - London ;: SAGE,, 2021. - 99-118; ISBN: 9781529703870. - DOI: 10.4135/9781529756449.n7. - URL: - URN: - Ta, Thi Minh Tam, von Poser, Anita, Müller, Max, Edda Willamowski, Tran, Thi Quynh-Nhu, Hahn, Eric
Umkämpfte Gefühle und diverse Zugehörigkeiten in vietnamesischen Carescapes Berlins
in: Umkämpfte Vielfalt. Affektive Dynamiken institutioneller Diversifizierung. / Hansjörg Dilger, Matthias Warstat. - Frankfurt und New York: Campus, 2021. - 116-138; ISBN: 9783593447728. -
Open Access verfügbar! Link zum Herunterladen des pdf befindet sich hier:
Journal Article
- Bens, Jonas
Mader, Christian: Sea Shells in the Mountains and Llamas on the Coast. The Economy of the Paracas Culture (800 to 200 BC) in Southern Peru. In: Anthropos. - 116 (2021), 2, 513-514. ISSN: 0257-9774. - DOI: 10.5771/0257-9774-2021-2-513. -
URL: - URN: - Bens, Jonas
Affective text trajectories: Toward a linguistic anthropology of critique
in: Journal of Pragmatics. - 186 (2021), 142-150. ISSN: 03782166. - DOI: 10.1016/j.pragma.2021.10.005. -
URL: - URN: -
Bens, Jonas; Podgornik-Jakil, Žiga
Toward a Comparative Anthropology of Activism: Activist Identity Formations in Germany and Uganda. In: Dialectial Anthropology. (2021); URL: - Podgornik-Jakil, Žiga; Bens, Jonas
Toward a comparative anthropology of activism: activist identity formations in Germany and Uganda
in: Dialectical Anthropology. - 45 (2021), 3, 297-314. ISSN: 0304-4092. - DOI: 10.1007/s10624-021-09628-3. -
URL: - URN: - D’hondt, Sigurd; Dupret, Baudouin; Bens, Jonas
Weaving the threads of international criminal justice: The double dialogicity of law and politics in the ICC al-Mahdi case
in: Discourse, Context & Media. - 44 (2021), 100545- ISSN: 22116958. - DOI: 10.1016/j.dcm.2021.100545. -
URL: - URN: -
Calkins, Sandra
"Between the Lab and the Field: Plants and the Affective Atmospheres Of Southern Science."
In: Science, Technology, & Human Values. Online First December 2021. doi:10.1177/01622439211055118. URL: -
Calkins, Sandra
“Food as medicine: Making better bananas in Uganda.”
In: The Sociological Review (2021) 69 (3): 560-579. URL: -
Calkins, Sandra
“Toxic remains: infrastructure and sacrifice at a Ugandan molecular biology lab.”
In: Social Studies of Science. (2021). 51(5): 707-728.
URL: - Freire de Andrade Neves, Marcos
Living the death of others: the disruption of death in the COVID-19 pandemic. In: Horizontes Antropológicos. - 27 (2021), 59, 91-108.ISSN: 0104-7183. - DOI: 10.1590/S0104-71832021000100005. -
URL: - URN: - Huigen, Brandaan
Beyond Confinement: Cape Gangsters and the Sub-Saharan Trade of Stolen Electronics
in: Ethnos. Journal of Anthropology. - 86 (2021), 1
URL: - Huigen, Brandaan
Smartphones for drugs: exchange relations in a South African gang since apartheid.
in: Journal of Cultural Economy (2021), 1-17; URL: - Willen, Sarah; Selim, Nasima; Mendenhall, Emily; Magaña Lopez, Miriam; Chowdhury, Shahanoor Akter; Dilger, Hansjörg
Flourishing: Migration and Health in Social Context.
In: BMJ Global Health. - Volume 6 - Suppl 1 (2021); DOI: 10.1136/bmjgh-2021-005108. - URL:
- König, Anika; Jacobsen, Heather
Reprowebs: a conceptual approach to elasticity and change in the global assisted reproduction industry.
in: BioSocieties (2021); DOI: - URL: - Probst, Ursula; Cancelliere, Francesca
Being There: Early Career Medical Anthropologists’ Perspectives on Contemporary Challenges in the Field
in: Anthropology in Action. - 28 (2021), 2, pp 1-7. DOI: - Probst, Ursula; Holmes, Seth M; Castañeda, Ernesto; Geeraert, Jeremy; Castaneda, Heide; Zeldes, Nina; Willen, Sarah S; Dibba, Yusupha; Frankfurter, Raphael; Lie, Anne Kveim; Askjer, John Fredrik; Fjeld, Heidi;
Deservingness: migration and health in social context.
In: BMJ Global Health. - 6 (2021), Suppl 1, e005107- ISSN: 2059-7908. - DOI: 10.1136/bmjgh-2021-005107. -
URL: - URN: - Reinsch, Stefan; König, Anika; Rehmann-Sutter, Christoph
Decision-making about non-invasive prenatal testing: women’s moral reasoning in the absence of a risk of miscarriage in Germany.
In: New Genetics and Society. - 40 (2021), 2, 199-21; DOI: 10.1080/14632020.1805305. -
URL: - Stodulka, Thomas; Weißköppel, Cordula
Feldforschen lernen in Zeiten der Pandemie.
In: Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie. - 54 (2021), S. 22-28. URL:
Other Digital Publications
- Bens, Jonas
Der Kolonialismus ist heute noch fühlbar‘: Von der Black-Lives-Matter-Bewegung bis zum Umgang mit Migration–Die digitale Plattform „Affect and Colonialism Web Lab” ist gestartet.. - 2021
URL: - Huigen, Brandaan
Short circuit: on the transnational circulation of stolen wealth. - 2021
URL: - Nguyen, Minh; Stodulka, Thomas
Exceptional Uncertainty: Early-Career Anthropologists in the Corona Pandemic, National Center of Competence in Research. - 2021
URL: - Stodulka, Thomas; Thajib, Ferdiansyah
Bearing Witness to Slow Violence's Atmospheres. - 2021
- von Poser, Anita
Review of: Don Kulick: A Death in the Rainforest: How a Language and a Way of Life Came to an End in Papua New Guinea. Chapel Hill 2019. In: Anthropos. - 116 (2021), 1, 248-249. URL: - Stodulka, Thomas
Review of: Beatty, Andrew. Emotional worlds: beyond an anthropology of emotion. x, 305 pp., bibliogr. Cambridge: Univ. Press, 2019.
in: Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. - 27 (2021), 4, 1021-1022
ISSN: 1359-0987. - DOI: 10.1111/1467-9655.13636. - URL: - URN: