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The Institute Council for Social and Cultural Anthropology (WE 04)

Meeting dates

Meeting dates of the Institute Council in the winter semester 2024:

  • 17.10.2024   
  • 28.11.2024    
  • 16.01.2025    
  • 13.02.2025 

The sessions take place in presence 12:00 - 14:00 s.t in seminar room 014 (Landoltweg 9-11, 14195 Berlin).

The invitation to the respective session will also be published under “Dates” on the website of the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology.

Members of the Institute Council

The Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology (formerly: Institute of Anthropology) forms the Academic Institution 04 (WE 04) in the Department of Politics and Social Sciences and is administered by the Institute Council (IR), which is re-elected every two years.

In the elections on May 9 and 10, 2023, the following members were elected to the Institute Council


Prof. Dr. Claudia Liebelt (Managing Director)
Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger (Deputy Managing Director)
Prof. Dr. Thomas Stodulka

Academic staff

Henrike Kraul
(Deputy: Dr. Marcos Freire de Andrade Neves and Kathrin Bauer)

Sonstige Mitarbeiter:innen


Elisa Skott

(Deputy.: Zheni Yaneva, Alexandra Maria Enciu, Mikhail Komarov)


11.05.2023 - Bekanntmachung des vorläufigen Wahlergebnisses der Neuwahl der Mitglieder und deren Stellvertreter/innen der Institutsräte von Wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen des Fachbereichs Politik- und Sozialwissenschaften am 09. und 10. Mai 2023

After reviewing the election documents and after the decision on a timely election challenge, the election result published in the announcement of the Decentralized Electoral Board No. 12a/23 of 17 May 2023 was established as the official final result. [17.05.2023 - Bekanntmachung des amtlichen Endergebnisses zur Wahl der Mitglieder und Stellvertreter/innen der Institutsräte von Wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen des Fachbereichs für Politik- und Sozialwissenschaften]

The constituent meeting took place on 25.05.2023.

Berlin Southern Theory Lecture