Book Launch „Collections as Relations: Contestations of Belonging, Cultural Heritage and Knowledge Infrastructures“
Location: Humboldt Forum, Klangwerkstatt
Info Day Erasmus +
On Wednesday, November 13, 2024, an information day on studying abroad and internships abroad with Erasmus+ will take place for all students of Freie Universität Berlin.
Location: Seminar Center and Foyer Mensa FU II Otto-von-Simson-Str. 26 14195 Berlin
Introductory event for students of M.A. Social and Cultural Anthropology
Location: Seminarraum E Ihnestr. 21
Introductory event for students of B.A. Social and Cultural Anthropology
Location: Hörsaal A Ihnestr. 21 14195 Berlin
Book Launch - Andrea Fleschenberg, Kai Kresse and Rosa Cordillera Castillo: Thinking with the South. Reframing Research Collaboration amid Decolonial Imperatives and Challenges
Location: FU Seminar Centre, Otto-von-Simson-Str. 26, 14195 Berlin, room L116. Or online in our Webex room. meeting ID: 2730 256 0409; password: BASwinter2023-24
Dominik Mattes (IfSKA, FU Berlin): Affective Presence. How minority religion takes place in Berlin
Location: FU Seminar Centre, Otto-von-Simson-Str. 26, 14195 Berlin, room L116. Or online in our Webex room. meeting ID: 2730 256 0409; password: BASwinter2023-24
Hilal Alkan (Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient): 'Like an adult tree': Emplacement, intimate care and human-plant relations in migration
Location: FU Seminar Centre, Otto-von-Simson-Str. 26, 14195 Berlin, room L115. Or online in our Webex room. meeting ID: 2730 256 0409; password: BASwinter2023-24
Ilja Labischinski & Kristin Weber-Sinn (Zentralarchiv / Ethnologisches Museum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Preußischer Kulturbesitz): Curating Postcolonial Provenance Research in the Humboldt Forum
Location: FU Seminar Centre, Otto-von-Simson-Str. 26, 14195 Berlin, room L116. Or online in our Webex room. meeting ID: 2730 256 0409; password: BASwinter2023-24
Liina Mustonen (University of Duisburg-Essen): In the Shadow of Colonialism. Studying up in the Middle East
Location: FU Seminar Centre, Otto-von-Simson-Str. 26, 14195 Berlin, room L115. Or online in our Webex room. meeting ID: 2730 256 0409; password: BASwinter2023-24
Parvis Ghassem-Fachandi (Rutgers University): Life in Fatehvadi. Naming and Omission
Location: FU Seminar Centre, Otto-von-Simson-Str. 26, 14195 Berlin, room L116. Or online in our Webex room. meeting ID: 2730 256 0409; password: BASwinter2023-24
Workshop ‘Abundance: Queer Worldings in Anthropology’
Location: Schwules Museum Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin
The Queer Anthro Interstice: Sharing Work in Progress V
Location: online
The Queer Anthro Interstice: Sharing Work in Progress V
Location: online
The Queer Anthro Interstice: Sharing Work in Progress V
Location: online
The Queer Anthro Interstice: Sharing Work in Progress V
Location: Online
The Queer Anthro Interstice: Sharing Work in Progress IV
Location: online
The Queer Anthro Interstice: Sharing Work in Progress IV
Location: online
Kolonya Renaissance: Hygiene, Healing and the Configuration of Eau de Cologne during the early COVID-19 crisis in Turkey and beyond
Location: ZMO and Online
The Queer Anthro Interstice: Sharing Work in Progress IV
Location: online
Public Keynote: "Skin Memories of War" by Prof. Thuy Linh Tu (NYU)
Location: online, via Webex
Location: online
Dr. Elena Calvo-González(Federal University of Bahia): “Health self-monitoring in Brazil: laboratories, test results and the healthcare system”
Location: Landoltweg 9-11 Raum 014 (Seminarraum)