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Research Unit Peace and Conflict Studies

About Us

In our teaching and research, we deal with conflict theory and the phenomenology of violence from an interdisciplinary perspective (Political Science, Human Geography, Social Anthropology, Sociology, Law, Area Studies). Theoretically, we reflect on central concepts (peace, conflict, violence, migration) as well as the relationship between structures, actors and their actions in the emergence, consolidation and escalation of collective conflicts.

In our empirical research, we examine local as well as transnational and cross-level conflict constellations. With case studies from different contexts and a perspective that is systematically comparative across regions and takes regional and global interdependencies into account, we aim to contribute to the critical reflection and further development of the theories and concepts of peace and conflict research.

Together with the INTERACT Center for Interdisciplinary Peace and Conflict Research, we want to have a productive impact on socio-political debates on the basis of problem- and application-oriented basic research.

Focus Areas

  • Intersections of Conflict-, Migration- and Border Studies
  • Post- and Decolonial Approaches
  • Ambivalences of Knowledge Production (Positionality, Dual-Use)
  • Conflicts over Resources at the intersection between Political Economy and Political Ecology
  • Political Protest and Radicalization
from left to right: David Niebauer, Sven Chojnacki, Judith Schmidt, Bettina Engels, Malte Kanefendt

from left to right: David Niebauer, Sven Chojnacki, Judith Schmidt, Bettina Engels, Malte Kanefendt

SFB 700