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The International Political Economy is not what it seems. Global Monetary Relations in the Age of Offshore Finance


Freigeist Research Group


Christopher Olk; Caroline Rübe

01.04.2021 — 01.04.2027

The research group analyses how the offshore dollar system shapes the international distribution of power between states and between the public and the private spheres. The group’s work contributes to both the conceptual and the empirical questions that arise from the offshore dollar system. It is organised around three work streams. First, we analyse the geopolitics of offshore finance. Second, we enquire about the nature of money as a constitutional project and tool of governing. Third, we ask how an international monetary system ought to be considering questions of inequality and planetary boundaries.
The group is bound together by a shared epistemological interest, but we work across disciplines and employ different methods.

Master IB
Berlin Graduate School for Transnational Studies
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SFB 700
Der moderne Staat