Governing the “Ungovernable”? Interrogating global geographies of transformation and intervention
The “Dahrendorf Forum – Debating Europe” is a joint initiative by the Hertie School of Governance, the London School of Economics and Political Science and Stiftung Mercator. Under the title “Europe and the World” the project cycle 2015-2016 fosters research and open debate on Europe’s relations with five major regions.Prof. Dr. Cilja Harders is the co-chair of the Dahrendorf working group ‘Europe and the MENA-region’.
News vom 06.04.2016
The Dahrendorf Workshop “Governing the Ungovernable?” was convened by Fouad Gehad Marei (Freie Universität Berlin) and Mona Atia (George Washington University) at the Hertie School of Governance in collaboration with the Center for Middle Eastern and North African Politics at Freie Universität Berlin on 20-22 January 2016.
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