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Workshop - Reconceptualizing social care

For those of you who are already back from holidays or not yet on vacation, please feel free to join our workshop titled „Reconceptualizing social care: Contrasting classical and contested care policies and their gendered implications” as virtual guest.

The workshop will take place as hybrid event from 11-13th of August 2021 at the Akademie für Politische Bildung Tutzing (https://www.apb-tutzing.de/programm/tagung/32-2-21). It is supported by the ECPR Standing Group on Religion & Politics and the DVPW AK Religion & Politik. Please find here the preliminary program. If you want to participate virtually, please let us know (agnes.blome@fu-berlin.de) and we will send you the Zoom link.  

News vom 24.07.2021

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