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Comparative African Politics “Brunch” im WIntersemester 2023/24

Programme and outline 

Comparative African Politics “Brunch” is a less formal meeting which offers our team and invited guests a forum to discuss and exchange research ideas and ongoing research projects or papers on African politics. participants will share constructive comments on draft manuscripts, dissertation chapters, and emerging conceptual ideas that contribute to the research focus at the chair. Additionally, MA students who write their theses at the chair are openly invited to join and present progress on their research projects allowing them to receive valuable constructive feedback and suggestions from their peers and colleagues. This feedback is highly valuable in enhancing the overall quality of their work.

News vom 01.11.2023




Title of Talk


Dr. Matthew Sabbi

Democratic Arena of the Authoritarian Public Sphere? Rwanda’s Imihigo Forums and Governance Criticism


Amélie Wurl, MA



Prof. Dr. Anja Osei

Recent Political Developments in Africa and Beyond


Ekoutiamé Ahlin, MA

Polarized parliamentary Debates in Competitive authoritarianism? The Case of Uganda


Robin Schädler, MA

Committees in the Uganda Parliament

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