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Statistics for Political and Social Research in Africa (SPSRA)


Dozent/inEkoutiamé Jules Ahlin
SemesterSommersemester 2025
RaumIhnestr. 21 Seminarraum E

Mittwoch, 14:00-16:00 Uhr (c.t.)

Today’s political research requires the use of rigorous statistical methods. Statistics for Political and Social Research in Africa (SPSRA) is intended to provide students with basic statistics for survey research, especially in Africa. The course would cover statistical methods and techniques relevant to conducting research in the politics and social sciences in Africa. It may cover descriptive statistics, statistical inference, sampling techniques, and survey research methods. In addition, the course may focus on applying these statistical techniques to research questions in the African context, such as analyzing public opinion, political participation, voting behavior, social inequality, and other topics of social and political interest. It may also emphasize using statistical software such as Stata or R for data analysis and visualization.Overall, the course aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to analyze and interpret data related to political and social phenomena in Africa and to use this information to inform policy and decision-making.