Why do authoritarian regimes survive?
Typ | Proseminar |
Dozent/in | Prof. Dr. Anja Osei |
Semester | Sommersemester 2025 |
Veranstaltungsumfang | |
Raum | Ihnestr. 22 Hörsaal G |
Zeit | Dienstag, 10:00-12:00 Uhr (c.t.) |
Modern autocracies hold elections, allow opposition parties, and have parliaments and constitutions. What is the function of these institutions – are they just ‘window dressing’ or do they stabilise autocratic rule? Are parliaments just ‘rubber stamps’ or do they contribute to effective policy formulation? What roles do cabinets and parties play? The seminar will provide an overview of the state of research, drawing on examples from different countries. A special focus will be on electoral autocracies in Africa.