Arun Kansal
guest researchers
Dr. Arun Kansal is associated with the Department of Natural Resources, TERI University, New Delhi. He started his career as an environmental engineer and later he pursued research in the area of environmental policy. He has published more than 20 technical reports, 2 books, 5 chapters in edited books, 16 papers in refereed journals and 10 articles in conference proceedings. He is recipient of best teacher award from GGS Indraprastha University and best research paper award from Indian Water Works Association. Dr. Kansal is currently leading an international collaborative initiative under the ProSPER.Net (an initiative of United Nations University- Institute of Advanced Studies, Japan) programme on e-learning ‘Diploma program on Sustainable development practices in public policy’. The program has been designed for mid-career policy makers located in Asia- Pacific region. He is also working as a Lead Author in Working Group III of the 5th Assessment Report of IPCC. Dr Kansal is currently a guest professor at the Environmental Policy Research Centre, Freie Universität Berlin under the German-India sustainability and climate change dialogue. During his stay at the Centre he will guide students in their research on policy and governance of climate change, water resources management, renewable energy, air pollution and solid waste management and lecture inter alia in the course ‘Environment, energy and climate governance- comparing India and Europe’. Key research and teaching areas Environmental policy and governance in India, energy and environment linkages, climate change mitigation strategies, and urban environment management.