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Registration period for courses in the winter term 2023/24

News from Aug 24, 2023

Course Registration Period for Winter Term 2023/24:

  • 1. registration period: Monday 2 October 09:00 a.m. until Friday, 13 October 12:00 noon for indicating preferences for courses with limited capacities (Please note: courses are not allocated on a first-come first-served basis but by an automated allocation process at the end of the registration period. This means that chances of being registered in a course with limited capacities are the same on the first as well as on the last day of the registration period).
  • 13 October 12:00 noon: Allocation of places in courses with limited capacities.
  • 2 registration period: 13 October (after automatic allocation of places has been completed) until 3 November 24:00 midnight for direct registration for any remaining places in courses with limited capacities and for registration in courses with unlimited capacities

Read more about the registration period

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