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The following literature suggestions are intended to provide an insight into

a) the topic of comparative sociology

b) the research being conducted at the Institute of Sociology.

You do not have to acquire this literature in preparation for your degree programme.


to a)

General introductions:

Joas, Hans & Mau, Steffen (Hrsg.) (2020): Lehrbuch der Soziologie. Frankfurt am Main/New York: Campus.

Tubergen, Frank van (2020): Introduction to Sociology: Culture, Structure, and Inequality. Routledge.

Introductions to individual subject areas in sociology:

Mau, Steffen & Verwiebe, Roland (2009): Die Sozialstruktur Europas. Konstanz: UVK

Diekmann, Andreas (2023): Empirische Sozialforschung: Grundlagen, Methoden, Anwendungen. Reinbek: Rowohlt.

Rucht, Dieter (2023): Kollektive Proteste und soziale Bewegungen: Eine Grundlegung. Betz.

Deutschmann, Emanuel (2021): Mapping the Transnational World: How We Move and Communicate across Borders, and Why It Matters. Princeton University Press.

Della Porta, Donatella & Diani, Mario (2020): Social Movements: An Introduction. 3rd edition. Wiley Blackwell.

Breen, Michael J. (2017): Values and Identities in Europe: Evidence from the European Social Survey. London: Routledge.

Turner, Jonathan H. (2012): The Sociology of Emotions. New York: Cambridge University Press.

To b)

Borbáth, Endre, Swen Hutter & Arndt Leininger (Hrsg.) (2023). Under Pressure: Polarisation and Participation in Western Europe, in: Special Issue of West European Politics, Jg. 46, Nr. 4.

Hutter, Swen & Kriese, Hanspeter (Hrsg.) (2019): European Party Politics in Times of Crisis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Hutter, Swen (2014): Protesting Culture and Economics in Western Europe: New Cleavages in Left and Right Politics. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Büttner, Sebastian M., Monika Eigmüller & Susann Worschech (Hrsg.) (2022): Sociology of Europeanization. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.

Delhey, Jan, Emanuel Deutschmann, Monika Verbalyte & Auke Aplowski (2020): Netzwerk Europa. Wie ein Kontinent durch Mobilität und Kommunikation zusammenwächst. Wiesbaden: Springer.

Haas, Hein de, Stephen Castles & Mark Miller J. (2020): The Age of Migration. International Population Movements in the Modern World. New York and London: Guilford Press.

Collins, R. (2004): Interaction Ritual Chains. Princeton University Press.

Hochschild, Arlie R. (2016): Strangers in their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right. New York: New Press.

Illouz, Eva (2007): Cold Intimacies: The Making of Emotional Capitalism. London: Polity Press.

Adriaans, Jule & Liebig, Stefan (2021): Einkommensgerechtigkeit in Deutschland und Europa, in: Datenreport 2021. Ein Sozialbericht für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Berlin: DIW.

Böhnke, Petra & Konietzka, Dirk (Hrsg.) (2024): Handbuch Sozialstrukturanalyse. Wiesbaden: Springer.