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Prof. Dr. Stefan Liebig

bild liebig

Institute of Sociology

Empirical Social Structure Analysis and Survey Methodology


Social Inequalities, Perceptions of Social Inequality and Social Justice, Survey- Methodology, Research Data Infrastructures

Garystr. 55
Room 316
14195 Berlin

Office hours

By appointment only.

Academic Education

2004 Habilitation (Venia: Sociology) at Ludwig Maximilian University of
Munich (LMU)

Doctorate in Sociology (Dr. rer. soc.) at Humboldt Universitaet Berlin

(HU Berlin)

1992 M.A. in Sociology, Heidelberg University
1991 Diploma in Theology, Heidelberg University


Since 2019 Professor (W3) of Sociology, Social Structure and Survey Methodology, Institute of Sociology, Freie Universitaet Berlin
2018 - 2022 Director of the German Socio-economic Panel Study (SOEP) and Member of the Board od Directors of the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin)
2008 - 2019

Professor (W3) of Sociology, Social Inequality and Social Structure, Department of Sociology, Bielefeld University

2006 - 2008 Professor (W3) of Sociology, Social Stratification and Inequality University of Duisburg-Essen
2005 - 2006 Professor of Sociology, Empirical Research Methods, Trier University
2004 - 2005 Deputy Professor of Sociology, Empirical Social Structure Analysis, University of Duisburg-Essen
1998 - 2004 Head of the Junior Research Group “Interdisciplinary Social Justice Research” funded by VolkswagenStiftung at HU Berlin (Members: Nicole Jäckle, Alfredo Märker, Steffen Mau, Bernd Ladwig, Holger Lengfeld, Stefan Schlothfeldt).
1992 - 1998 Research assistant for methods of empirical social research, Department of Social Science, Humboldt Universitaet zu Berlin

Memberships and Professional Activities

Since 2022 Elected Member of the Academy of Science and Literature Mainz
Since 2020 Member of the Commission for Pandemic Research of the German Research Foundation (DFG)
2017 - 2022 Member of the German Data Forum (RatSWD)
2015 - 2022

Appointed member (since 2015) and vice-chair (since 2017) of the German Council for Scientific Information Infrastructures (RfII)

2010 - 2017 Member of the National Coordinating Team of the European Social Survey, since 2013 National Coordinator Germany
2008 - 2015 Member and Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board of the German General Social Survey (ALLBUS)


Editorial Duties

Associate Editor Soziale Welt (JIF 2022: 0.29)

Editorial Board Member Social Justice Research (JIF 2021: 1.7)
Member of the Advisory Board "Management Revue"

Ongoing and completed research projects


Longitudinal Study on Refugees from Ukraine in Germany (SUARE): Data infrastructure, health and discrimination (Co-PI: Sabine Zinn), DFG


Perceptions of Inequality and Justice in Europe, (Co-PIs: Thomas Hinz, Guillemina Jasso, Bernhard Kittel), Leibniz Association

2021- Changing labor relations through digitization – SOEP-Linked Employer Employee Study Round 2 (Co-PI Wenzel Matiaske), Federal Ministry of Defence 
2021 - 2022

KonsortSWD – Consortium for the Social, Behavioral, Educational and Economic Sciences within the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) (Co-PI and Task Area Coordinator), DFG

2021 - 2022

Studying Regional Development Dynamics and their Political Consequences: SOEP RegioHub at Bielefeld University Leibniz-Science Campus, (Co-PI: Marco Giesselmann, Simon Kühne), Leibniz Association

2021 The Spread of the Coronavirus in Germany: Socio-Economic Factors and Consequences (SOEP-CoV) (Co-PI: Simon Kühne), Ministry of Education and Research
2016 - 2019

Structural Conditions of Justice Attitudes over the Lifespan, DFG

2016 - 2017 European Social Survey (ESS) / German Subsample, Federal Ministry of Education and Research
2014 - 2015 European Social Survey (ESS) – European citizens´ attitudes towards society, economy and politics: An international comparative empirical project, DFG
2012 - 2013 Linked Employer-Employee-Data based on the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (Co PI: Jürgen Schupp), Leibniz-Association 
2011 - 2016

The Legitimation of Inequalities: Structural Conditions of Justice Attitudes over the Lifespan, DFG

2011 - 2015 Firms and Inequality: Inequality Effects of Temporary Layoffs, DFG
2010 - 2013

Extending the German Research Data Infrastructure: Data Service Center for Business- and Organizational Data at Bielefeld University (DSC-BO), Federal Ministry of Education and Research

2007 - 2010

The factorial survey as a method for measuring attitudes in population surveys (Co-PI: Thomas Hinz), DFG

Current key publications

Hoebel, J., M.M. Grabka, C. Schröder, S. Haller, H. Neuhauser, B. Wachtler, L. Schaade, S. Liebig, C. Hövener, S. Zinn (2021). Socioeconomic position and SARS-CoV-2 infections: seroepidemiological findings from a German nationwide dynamic cohort. J Epidemiol Community Health (doi:10.1136/jech-2021-217653).

Adriaans, J., S. Liebig, C. Sabbagh, G. Jasso (2021). What’s in a Word? Just vs. Fair vs. Appropriate Earnings for Self and Others. Social Justice Research, 34(4), 397-427.

Liebig, S., C. Sauer, R. Schunck (2020). Gerechtigkeit und Gesundheit. In Fehlzeiten-Report 2020 (pp. 3-14). Springer, Berlin, Heid,elberg.

Sakshaug, J. W., S. Hülle, A. Schmucker, S. Liebig (2020). Panel Survey Recruitment with or Without Interviewers? Implications for Nonresponse, Panel Consent, and Total Recruitment Bias. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, 8(3), 540-565.

Kühne, S., M. Kroh, S. Zinn, S. Liebig (2020): The need for household panel surveys in times of crisis: The case of SOEP-CoV. Survey Research Methods 14 (doi:10.18148/srm/2020.v14i2.7748).

Giesselmann, M., S. Bohmann, J. Goebel, P. Krause, E. Liebau, D. Richter, D. Schacht, C. Schröder, J. Schupp, S. Liebig (2019). The individual in context(s): Research potentials of the Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) in sociology. European Sociological Review.

Valet, P., J. Adriaans, S. Liebig (2019): Comparing survey data and administrative records on gross earnings: Nonreporting, misreporting, interviewer presence and earnings inequality. Quality & Quantity 53: 471-491.

Goebel, J., M.M. Grabka, S. Liebig, M. Kroh, D. Richter, C. Schröder, J. Schupp (2019). The German socio-economic panel (SOEP). Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, 239: 345-360.

Hülle, S., S. Liebig, M.J. May (2018): Measuring attitudes toward distributive justice: The basic social justice orientations scale. Social Indicators Research 136: 663-692.

Liebig, S., C. Sauer (2016): Sociology of justice. In: C. Sabbagh and M. Schmitt (Eds.): Handbook of Social Justice Theory and Research, Part I, New York: Springer Science + Business Media: 37-59.

Liebig, S., C. Sauer, S. Friedhoff (2015): Using factorial surveys to study justice perceptions: Five methodological problems of attitudinal justice research. Social Justice Research 28: 415-434.

Schnaudt, C., M. Weinhardt, R. Fitzgerald, S. Liebig (2014). The European Social Survey. Schmollers Jahrbuch 134, 487-506.


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Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Stefan-Liebig