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Social Cohesion in the Western World. What Holds Societies Together: Insights from the Social Cohesion Radar

News from Jul 07, 2016

The book develops a theoretical framework of social cohesion. It also looks at temporal development of the level of cohesion in 34 Western societies. The book additionally looks at the intra-German difference in regard to social cohesion. One of the authors, Zsófia S. Ignácz, is a research associate and lecturer at the Institute of Sociology.

More information on the project here.

Georgi Dragolov, Zsófia S. Ignácz, Jan Lorenz, Jan Delhey, Klaus Boehnke & Kai Unzicker (2016): Social Cohesion in the Western World. What Holds Societies Together: Insights from the Social Cohesion Radar. Cham: Springer International Publishing (SpringerBriefs in Well-Being and Quality of Life Research).

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