since 03/2021: Research associate at the Chair of Social Stratification (Prof. Dr. Gunnar Otte), Institute of Sociology, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
10/2018 - 02/2021: Research associate (postdoc) and lecturer at the Chair of Macrosociology (Prof. Dr. Jürgen Gerhards), Institute of Sociology, Freie Universität Berlin
09/2017 - 09/2018: Research associate (postdoc) and lecturer at the Chair of Macrosociology (Prof. Dr. Jürgen Gerhards), Institute of Sociology, Freie Universität Berlin (Maternity leave replacement Dr. Sophia Schubert)
since 12/2016: Project management of the DFG-funded project "The choice of Latin and Ancient Greek as a foreign language: a distinction strategy of the upper social class" (Prof. Dr. Jürgen Gerhards, Freie Universität Berlin and Prof. Dr. Ulrich Kohler, University of Potsdam)
10/2013 – 11/2016: Research associate and lecturer at the Chair of Methods of Empirical Social Research, Institute of Sociology, Universität Potsdam (Prof. Dr. Ulrich Kohler)
10/2010 – 08/2013: Research assistant at the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) at the the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) (Dr. Ingrid Tucci, Prof. Dr. Carsten Keller, Prof. Dr. Olaf Groh-Samberg)
09/2009 – 09/2010: Student assistant at the Chair for statistics and social science methodology (Prof. Dr. Josef Brüderl), Institute of Sociology, Universität Mannheim
09/2009 – 02/2010: Student assistant at the Chair of Methods of Empirical Social Research (Prof. Dr. Marita Jacob), Institute of Sociology, Universität Mannheim
09/2008 – 01/2009: Research assistant at the Chair of Sociology and epistemology (Prof. Dr. Hartmut Esser), Institute of Sociology, Universität Mannheim.
/2016: Ph.D (Dr. rer. pol.) University of Potsdam, Dissertation Thesis: Latin and Ancient Greek as foreign languages in school. Reproducing social privileges through distinction? (Prof. Dr. Ulrich Kohler und Prof. Dr. Jürgen Gerhards)
10/2010 – 09/2013: Master of Arts in „Sociology: European Societies“, Freie Universität Berlin. MA-Thesis: „Latent mechanisms of social hierachization“ (Prof. Dr. Jürgen Gerhards und Prof. Dr. Ulrich Kohler)
02/2012 – 09/2012: Research stay, project „The role of racism in the reproduction of educational inequalities in Latin America, Lima, in association with Pontificia Universidad del Peru, Lima (PUCP)
09/2007 – 09/2010: Bachelor of Arts in „Sociology“ (Minor: Political Science), University of Mannheim, BA-Thesis: „The relevance of individual characteristics in university dropout“ (Prof. Dr. Henning Best und Prof. Dr. Thomas Gautschi)
09/2009 – 09/2010: Exchange semester the University of Utrecht (Netherlands), funded by ERASMUS scholarship.
09/2006 – 08/2007: Study of economics, University of Mannheim.
Research Interests
Mechanisms in the reproduction of social inequality
Lifestyles and social mobility
Social structural analysis, especially construction of social boundaries
Qualitative and interpretive social research
Quantitative and experimental methods of causal anlysis
Gerhards, Jürgen, Tim Sawert & Ulrich Kohler (2020): Des Kaisers alte Kleider. Fiktion und Wirklichkeit des Nutzens von Lateinkenntnissen. SchulVerwaltung Nordrhein-Westfalen. Fachzeitschrift für Schulentwicklung und Schulmanagement 31: 28-29.
Sawert, Tim (2019): Understanding the Mechanisms of Ethnic Discrimination: A Field Experiment on Discrimination against Turks, Syrians and Americans in the Berlin Shared Housing Market. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. Online First.
Gerhards, Jürgen & Sawert, Tim (2018): "Deconstructing Diversity": Social Background as the Dark Side of the Diversity Discourse. (Original title: "Deconstructing Diversity": Soziale Herkunft als die vergessene Seite des Diversitätsdiskurses.) Leviathan 46(4): 527-550.
Sawert, Tim (2018): Latent Mechanisms of Social Hierarchisation. The Choice of Latin and Ancient Greek as Reproduction Mechanisms of the Educated Class. (Original title: Latente Mechanismen sozialer Hierarchisierung. Die Wahl alter Sprachen als Reproduktionsmechanismus des Bildungsbürgertums.) Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Sawert, Tim (2016): Field Experimental Data Regarding the Influence of the Choice of Ancient Languages on Job Market Entry Opportunities. (Original title: Feldexperimentelle Daten zum Einfluss der Wahl alter Sprachen auf die beruflichen Einstiegschancen.) GESIS Datorium: Köln.
Sawert, Tim (2016): Latin and Ancient Greek as Foreign Languages in School. Reproducing Social Privilege through Distinction? (Original title: Alte Sprachen als schulische Fremdsprachen. Ein Mechanismus zur Reproduktion sozialer Privilegien durch Distinktion?) University of Potsdam: Potsdam.
Sawert, Tim (2016): Dead Languages as a Profitable Investment? (Original title: Tote Sprachen als lohnende Investition? Der Einfluss altsprachlicher Bildung auf die Chancen beim Berufseinstieg.) Zeitschrift für Soziologie 45 (5).
Sawert, Tim (2016): A ‘Dead Language’ as Profitable Investment? A Quasi-experimental Study on the Influence of Learning Classical Languages at School at Point of Career Entry, RC33 Conference (ISA), University of Leicester.
Sawert, Tim (2011): Studying at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Potsdam. Bachelor Survey 2007 and 2009. Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Mannheim.
Bachsleitner, Anna; Fuchs, Lucia; Henke, Simon; Sawert, Tim; Langeheine, Malte (2009): „Methodology“, S.45-55 in Heidelberg-Studie 2009: Life and politics in Heidelberg. Writings on urban development. City of Heidelberg.
Sawert, Tim (2018): Mind the Gap: Gap Years Abroad As a Form of Socio-Structural Differentiation. ISA World Congress, Toronto, 2018.
Sawert, Tim & Fuchs, Lucia (2018): Different Forms of Transnational Capital and Their Impact on the Reproduction of Social Inequalites. ISA World Congress, Toronto, 2018.
Sawert, Tim (2017): The Role of Language in the Reproduction of Social Inequalities. RC28 Conference (ISA), Columbia University.
Sawert, Tim (2017): The Effect of Gender-neutral Language in Job Advertisement on the Ascription of Competence to Male and Female Applicants: An Experiment. RC28 Conference (ISA), University of Cologne.
Sawert, Tim (2016): A ‘Dead Language’ as Profitable Investment? A Quasi-experimental study on the Influence of Learning Classical Languages at School at Point of Career Entry, RC33 Conference (ISA), University of Leicester.
Sawert, Tim (2016): Latin as foreign language in school – Reproducing social privilege through distinction? The case of Germany, RC28 Conference (ISA), National University of Singapore.
Sawert, Tim (2016): Learning Latin and Ancient Greek. A mechanism of social disctinction?, Annual Meeting of the Section “Social Inequality and Social Structure Analysis” of the German Society for Sociology (DGS), Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz.
Sawert, Tim (2015): Knowledge in Latin and Ancient Greek as a mechanism of reproduction social inequality. The impact of the foreign language profile at school on career chances., Potsdam Center for Quantitative Research (PCQR), Potsdam.
Sawert, Tim (2014): Latent mechanisms of social hierachization. BIEN Jahreskonferenz, DIW Berlin.
SoSe 2020: Seminar "Introduction to data analysis using Stata" (Master)
WiSe 2019/2020: Research seminar "Socio-structural inequalities in the digital age" (Master)
SoSe 2019: Seminar "Introduction to data analysis using Stata" und Seminar "Analysing categorical dependent variables using Stata" (Master)
WiSe 2018/2019: Research seminar "Social stratification and the intergenerational transmission of privilege" (Master)
SoSe 2018: Seminar "Globalization and International Student Mobility", Seminar "Analysing longitudinal data using Stata" (Master)
WiSe 2017/2018: Research seminar „Social structural inequalities and the creation of symbolic boundaries“ (Master)
WiSe 2016/2017: Introduction to the experimental method - Central studies and their replication (Bachelor)
SoSe 2016: Seminar “Choosing the best method for your research question” (Master, mit Lucia Fuchs-Sawert) WiSe 2015/2016 Lecture „Methods of empirical social research“ (Bachelor, with Prof. Ulrich Kohler)
SoSe 2015: Lecture „ Multivariate data analysis “ (Bachelor, with Prof. Ulrich Kohler), Seminar „Applied methods of discrimination research“ (Bachelor)
WiSe 2014/2015: Lecture „Descriptive and inferential statistical models of social scientific data analysis“ (Bachelor, with Prof. Ulrich Kohler)SoSe 2014: Seminar to the lecture „Design and methods of data collection in qualitative and quantitative social research“ (Bachelor, Dr. Antje Zapf)
WiSe 2013/2014: Lecture „Descriptive and inferential statistical models of social scientific data analysis“ (Bachelor, with Prof. Ulrich Kohler)
HS 2009/2010: Tutorium to the lecture „Data analysis“ (Bachelor, Prof. Dr. Jacob)
HS 2008/2009: Tutorium to the lecture „Basics of Sociology“ (Bachelor, Prof. Dr. Esser)