Dr. Bujar Aruqaj

Department of Sociology
Research Associate and Lecturer
Garystraße 55
Room 314
14195 Berlin
Room 314
14195 Berlin
Office hours
Tuesday, 3-4 p.m. (please contact via e-mail)
Short Biography
Scientific career
- Since April 2018 research associate and lecturer at the Chair of Macrosociology (Prof. Dr. Jürgen Gerhards), Institute of Sociology, Freie Universität Berlin
- 2014-2015 Project Manager/Fundraiser at the Kosovo American Education Fund, American Councils for International Education (Prishtina / Kosovo)
- 2014 Research Assistant, Center for Research, Documentation and Publication (Prishtina / Kosovo)
- 2014 Research Assistant of Prof. Erica Chenoweth, Peace Research Institute (Oslo / Norway)
- 2013 Research Assistant of Prof. Haider Khan, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, Denver University (Denver/CO / USA)
- 2013 Research Assistant of Prof. Nadia Kaneva, School of Media Film and Journalism Studies, Denver University (Denver/CO / USA)
- 2012 Research Assistant – Frederick S. Pardee Center for International Futures, University of Denver (Denver/CO / USA)
- 2011 – 2012 Investigative Journalist – Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (Prishtina / Kosovo)
- Since October 2016 PhD student at the Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences (Working title of the dissertation: “Social Cohesion and its Implications on Human Development: Conceptualization, Theoretical Implication, and Empirical Evidence”; supervisors: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Weßels, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Gerhards)
- 2012-2014 Master in International Development – Josef Korbel School of International Studies, Denver University (Denver/CO / USA)
- 2010-2011 Exchange student at the Fulbright College of International Studies, University of Arkansas (Fayetteville/AR / USA)
- 2008-2011 Bachelor in Political Sciences, University of Prishtina (Prishtina / Kosovo)
Research Interests
- Social Cohesion
- Human Development and the Capabilities Approach
- Social Determinants of Well-being
- Aruqaj, Bujar. 2017. “Macro-level Causes and Effects of Social Cohesion in European Societies.” Presented at the Summer School on Social Cohesion jointly organized by the Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences and the Bertelsmann Foundation. June 25 - July 1. Bremen.
- Aruqaj, Bujar. 2017. “Social Cohesion and its Implications on Human Development: Conceptualization, Theoretical Implications and Empirical Evidence.” Presented at the Graduate Network Conference. March 29-31. Barcelona (Spain)
- Aruqaj, Bujar. 2016. “Social Cohesion and Advanced Industrial Societies: Implications for the Human Development and Capabilities Approach.” Presented at the Human Development and Capability Association 16th Annual Conference. September 1-3. Tokyo (Japan)
- “Social Cohesion in European Societies” (SoSe 2018, IfS, FU Berlin)
- “Comparative Politics and International Affairs” (SoSe 2016, ISW, HU Berlin)