Coping with Affective Polarization
In the Einstein Research Unit on Coping with Affective Polarization researchers from FU Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and Charité will work together with the research unit’s spokespersons Jule Specht, Hanna Schwander, Christian von Scheve, and Swen Hutter to investigate how to cope with the phenomenon that sees people feel a stronger emotional connection to groups that share their own positions, and reject or dismiss those who hold a different view. Known as affective polarization, this phenomenon between social groups can have serious consequences for society.
As well as developing a Berlin Polarization Monitor, the project will identify individual, social, and societal coping strategies, and develop and test various psychological interventions to counteract polarization.
More information concerning the project can be found here
Head of projectProf. Dr. Christian von Scheve
StaffDr. Stefanie Hechler researcher assistant
Diego Dametto researcher assistant