Dr. Nicolas Fescharek

Coordinator of the German-French Dual Degree Program
Office hours
Office hours at individual request
If you have questions concerning the German-French degree programs please consult the website of the degree program or the relevant exam regulations ('Prüfungsordnung') before reaching out to us.http://www.polsoz.fu-berlin.de/polwiss/studium/frankreich/index.html
You might find the answer to your question in our frequently asked questions (FAQ) section on (re-)enrolment:http://www.polsoz.fu-berlin.de/polwiss/studium/frankreich/FAQ/index.html
Born in 1983 in Pau, France; Bachelor's degree from University of Tübingen and the Université of Aix-en-Provence; Master's degree in "International Security" from Sciences Po Paris.
2009-2016: Doctorate from Sciences Po Paris on the topic of European Role Convergence by Default? The Contributions of the EU Member States to security provision and Security Sector Reform during the military intervention in Afghanistan (2001-2015). Funded by the Cusanuswerk.
Visiting researcher at the Institute for European Studies in Brussels; research visits to Afghanistan and cooperation with APPRO Kabul; numerous teaching appointments at Sciences Po Paris and publications in edited volumes and peer reviewed journals.
Since 2017 coordinator of international degree progams at the Free University of Berlin.
You can find Dr. Fescharek's current teaching schedule here.