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Study Abroad Progammes

Informationen auf Deutsch

ERASMUS+ programme

Contact and information

Student Assistant Erasmus Coordination:

Carlsson Pfeiffer
Ihnestr. 21, Room 116 (BE: 1st Floor / AE: 2nd Floor)
Tel.: 030 - 838 55055
E-Mail: osi-erasmus@polsoz.fu-berlin.de



No Office Hours at the moment

Where: https://whereby.com/osierasmus or on-site

How: the following points explain how to access the virtual office hours

  • During the time indicated above, you can simply click on the link and you will be connected directly with one of the student assistants of the OSI Erasmus office.
  • A registration is not necessary!
  • As soon as you click on the link, you will be asked to enter a name. Please enter your real name for safety reasons. 
  • Then you have to allow the program to use your camera and microphone - click "request permissions", then "allow" and "join meeting".
  • If for some reason you don't want a camera, you can turn it off in the preview.
  • You will now get into the office hours.
  • If the office hour is busy, "knock" will be displayed where "join meeting" would otherwise be; please click here.
  • After you click "knock", you will get the message "Waiting for reply..." - as soon as the person in front of you has finished, or the virtual room is no longer occupied, you will be connected.

Note: Please make use of the virtual office hours, especially in order to avoid unnecessary e-mail back and forth.

+++ Before contacting the ERASMUS office, please read carefully our frequently asked questions (FAQ) +++

Franco-German Dual Degree Programs

Contact and information

Dr. Nicolas Fescharek

Ihnestraße 22, Raum 121
Tel: 030 - 838 63863