Dr. Manuela Bauche

Erinnerungsort Ihnestrasse (Ihnestrasse Memorial)
Head of Erinnerungsort Ihnestraße / Associate Researcher
Office hours
online, by appointment.
Manuela Bauche (*1977) is a historian with a focus on the history of the life sciences of the 19th and 20th centuries. In the past years, she has also been engaged in academic research and debates on the entanglements of different histories of violence. In addition, Manuela has several years of experience in historical-political education. In her book and dissertation "Medizin und Herrschaft" (published by Campus-Verlag in 2017) she examines the relationship between the fight against malaria, state rule, racism and classism in Cameroon, German East Africa and East Frisia around 1900. Since January 2019, Manuela Bauche has been the director of the project "Geschichte der Ihnestr. 22" (History of Ihnestraße 22).
Career Development
Since 01/2019: Researcher (Postdoc) at the Otto Suhr Institute for Political Science at the Freie Universität Berlin, Head of the project "Highlighting the History of Ihnestr. 22 (former KWI for Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics)
2015-2018: Research Associate at the Museum of Natural History Berlin, Department "PAN - Perspectives on Nature" & in the Cluster of Excellence Image Knowledge Design of the Humboldt University Berlin: Postdoctoral project "Cuban Corals in East Berlin. Political Object Mobility in Postwar Berlin"
2015: Doctorate (Dr. phil.) at the University of Leipzig with the dissertation "Medicine and State Rule in the German Empire. The fight against malaria in Cameroon, East Africa and East Frisia, 1890-1919".
2011-2015: Senior Advisor for political education at the August Bebel Institute, Berlin
2010: Predoctoral Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, Research Group "Historicizing Knowledge about Human Biological Diversity in the 20th Century”
2006-2009: Research assistant at the Chair for History and Culture in Africa at the University of Leipzig
1997-2005 Study of African history, European ethnology and sociology at the Humboldt University Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin and the School of Oriental and African Studies London
Memberships and offices
Member (deputy chair) of the Historical Advisory Board of the Berlin Senator for Culture and Europe
Member in the newtwork Coalition for a Pluralistic Public Discourse (CPPD) at Dialogperspektiven
Co-initiator of and member of advisory board to the project "DEKOLONIALE Memory Culture in the City", funded by the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe and the German Federal Cultural Foundation
Principal Investigator in the project Research Network: Colonial Collections in Berlin Universities (funded by the Berlin University Alliance) (concluded)
2022: Member of the Selection Committee appointing the Artistic Director of the Federal Cultural Foundation
08.2020: Independent expert at the preliminary hearing of the Federal Cabinet's Committee on Combating Right Wing Extremism and Racism
04.2019: Independent expert at the public hearing of the Federal Committee for Culture and Media on Germany's colonial past and restitutions
Winter Semester 2022/23
Seminar 15292: Erinnerungskultur in Deutschland und die Rolle von „authentischen Orten“
Summer Semester 2022
Seminar 15580: "Racial mixing“. Perspectives from intersectional, critical race and historical studies
Seminar 15411: "Historisch-politische Bildung in Deutschland: Entwicklungen, Debatten und Praxisfelder"
Winter Semester 2021/22
Seminar 15585: "Cross-"Community"-Alliances and struggles for remembrance in Germany"
Seminar 15412: "Narrating Science and Injustice in Public History"
Summer Semester 2021
Seminar 15414: "Sciences and Politics in Memory Culture"
Seminar 15581: "Cross-Community Solidarities and Memory Politics in Germany"
Winter Semester 2020/21
Seminar 15412: "The Kaiser Willhelm Institute for Anthropology, Heredity and Eugenics and Practice of Remembrence in the FRG"
Summer Semester 2020
Project seminar 15405a: "Ihnestr. 22 and the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institute for Anthropology – Part 2"
Winter Semester 2019/20
Project seminar 15405: "Ihnestr. 22 and the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institute for Anthropology – Part 1"
Summer Semester 2019
BA Graduate Course 15325: "Colonialism and National Socialism: rupture, similarities, continuities?"
Highlighting the history of Ihnestr. 22 (former KWI for Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics)
Further research interests:
- History of colonialism
- History of the life sciences of the 19th and 20th centuries
- History of racism and inequality
- Politics of history and remembrance
(2017) Medizin und Herrschaft. Malariabekämpfung in Kamerun, Ostafrika und Ostfriesland (1890–1919). Globalgeschichte, 26. Frankfurt a. M.: Campus.
Edited Volumes
(2018) with Sharon Dodua Otoo: Geschichte schreiben (= Neue Rundschau, 123/2). Frankfurt/Main: Fischer.
(2016) with Christian Vogel: Mobile Objekte (Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 39/4: Special Issue). Weinheim: Wiley.
Articles and Chapters
(2024) with Danna Marshall, Volker Strähle: Das Projekt Geschichte der Ihnestraße 22: Auf dem Weg zu einem Erinnerungsort zum Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut für Anthropologie, menschliche Erblere und Eugenik in Berlin-Dahlem. In: Julia Bee, Lilli Hallmann, Franziska Kleimstein, Jannik Noeske (Hg.): Auf dem Weg zum Erinnerungsort - das Gebäude der NS-Medizinbürokratie. Weimar: LUCIA Verlag, S. 168-176, online: Auf dem Weg zum Erinnerungsort | Lucia Verlag.
(2022) with Patricia Piberger, Sébastien Tremblay, Hannah Tzuberi (2022): From 'Opferkonkurrenz' to Solidarity. A Round Table. In: German Historical Institute London Bulletin 44/2 (Special Issue "Memory Cultures 2.0. From 'Opferkonkurrenz' to Solidariry", hg. v. Mirjam Sarah Brusius). London: GHIL, S. 32-85, online: https://www.ghil.ac.uk/publications/bulletin.
(2022) Die Figur des "Mischling" in der deutschen Anthropologie (1900–1945). In: Matthias Böckmann, Matthias Gockel, Reinhard Kößler, Henning Melber (Hg.): Jenseits von Mbembe. Geschichte, Erinnerung, Solidarität. Berlin: Metropol, S. 300-316.
(2022) Projekte der Entmenschlichung und Teilung. In: Saba-Nur Cheema, Meron Mendel und Sina Arnold (Hg.): Frenemies. Antisemitismus, Rassismus und ihre Kritiker*innen. Berlin: Verbrecher, S. 185-189.
(2022) with Danna Marshall, Volker Strähle, Kerstin Stubenvoll: Project "Geschichte der Ihnestraße 22". Remembering the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics. In: Michelle Gordon und Rachel O’Sullivan (Hg.) Colonial Paradigms of Violence: Comparative Analysis of the Holocaust, Genocide, and Mass Killing. European Holocaust Studies, Bd. 4., Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag, 2022, S. 255–264.
(2021) Sehnsüchte nach genetischer Eindeutigkeit. Das Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut für Anthropologie, menschliche Erblehre und Eugenik (1927–1945) und sein Erbe, in: Zeitgeschichte-online.
(2019) Im Subtilen liegt das Problem. Forschen in postkolonialen und posteugenischen Kontexten. In: GID Gen-ethisches Informationsdienst 250, 11–12.
(2018) Von der Unmöglichkeit, klare Grenzen zu ziehen. Rassismus und Medizin in den deutschen Kolonien. In: Foroutan, Naika, Christian Geulen, Susanne Illmer, Klaus Vogel & Susanne Wernsing (Hg.): Das Phantom Rasse. Zur Geschichte und Wirkungsmacht von Rassismus. Wien/Köln: Böhlau, 115–130.
(2018) Cuban Corals at East Berlin's Natural History Museum, 1967–74. A History of Non-Diplomacy. In: Representations 141, 3–19.
(2016) Doing Research with Colonial Sources. Deconstructing Categories in German East Africa’s Medical Reports. In: Castryck, Geert, Silke Strickrodt & Katja Werthmann (Hg.): Sources and Methods for African History and Culture. Essays in Honour of Adam Jones. Leipzig: Univerlag-Leipzig, 337–356.
(2016) with Christian Vogel : Mobile Objekte. Einleitung. In: dies. (Hg.): Mobile Objekte (Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 39/4: Special Issue). Weinheim: Wiley, 299–310, mit Christian Vogel.
(2016) Assoziationen von Politik und Natur. Kubanische Korallen in Ost-Berlin, 1964–1974. In: Bauche, Manuela & Christian Vogel (Hg.): Mobile Objekte (Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 39/4: Special Issue). Weinheim: Wiley, 311–330.
(2015) Race, Class or Culture? The Construction of the European in Colonial Malaria Control. In: Comparativ. Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung 5–6, 117–137.
(2015) Museum. In: Bahl, Eva, Sarah Bergh u.a. i. A. der Landeshauptstadt München (Hg.): DECOLONIZE MÜNCHEN. Münster: edition assemblage, S. 188–199.
(2013) Zwischen Grenzüberschreitung und Deutungshoheit. Interventionen in historischen Museen. Ein Kommentar. In: Binder, Beate u.a. (Hg.): Eingreifen, Kritisieren, Verändern!? Interventionen ethnographisch und gendertheoretisch. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot, 254–260.
(2013) with Dörte Lerp, Susann Lewerenz, Marie Muschalek und Kristin Weber: Kolonialismus im Kasten. Erinnern und Vergessen im DHM. In: publikative.org, 26. Februar.
Master's Thesis
(2005) Medizin und Kolonialismus. Schlafkrankheitsbekämpfung in Kamerun, 1900–1914. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
In the Media
25.4.2023, arte-TV-documentary "The Books He Didn't Burn"/"Die Bücher, die er nicht verbrannte", Directors: Jascha Hannover & Claus Bredenbrock.
27.2.2021, taz: Essay "Verschränktes Erinnern".
30.8.2020, Deutschlandfunk, "Es war systematisches Unrecht".
6.5.2019, taz: Interview "Kolonialismus ist auch eine Geschichte der Verdrängung“.
DEKOLONIALE Memory Culture in the City, funded by the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe and the German Federal Cultural Foundation; co-initiator and member of the steering committee.
www.kolonialismusimkasten.de (with Dörte Lerp, Marie Muschalek, Susann Lewerenz and Kristin Weber)
Memory Streets. Wie Lernen und Erinnern im Afrikanischen Viertel. A project of the August Bebel Institute
Rassismus & Klassismus. Verwandtschaften und Verschränkungen. Series of events of the August Bebel Institute and the Antidiskriminierungsnetzwerk des Türkischen Bundes in Berlin-Brandenburg (with Anh Ngo and Anna Oelhaf)