Stanislav Klimovich

Chair of German Politics
Room 214
14195 Berlin
October 2020 – today Lecturer for Politics of Russia and Eastern Europe, Universität Potsdam, Potsdam
Conception and implementation of courses for BAs and MAs: Politics and Governance in Russia, Democracy and Autocracy in Eastern Europe, Governance in the post-soviet States, qualitative Methods of Social Science. Accompaniment of students' theses. Website:
April 2018 – September 2022 Research Assistant, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin
Conception and execution of qualitative Interviews in Russian regions, Data Analysis, Authorship of scientific publications in the DFG-Project: „Variationen von Governance in hybriden Systemen. Unternehmen, Staat und Zivilgesellschaft im heutigen Russland“ ("Variations of Governance in hybrid Systems. Companies, State and Civil Society in today's Russia"), under leadership of Prof. Dr. Katharina Bluhm (OEI) and Prof. Dr. Sabine kropp (OSI). Website:
June 2017 – March 2018 Expert, Center for Strategic Research, Moscow, Russia
Conception and Authorship of Policy Papers about political Institutions, Federalism and Administration of the Regions of Russia relating to the "Strategy 2035".
EducationSeptember 2018 – today Promotion (Political Science)
Otto-Suhr-Institut for Political Science, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin
September 2014 – June 2016 Master (Political Science)
Higher School of Economics (HSE), Moscow, Russia
September 2011 – June 2014 Bachelor (Political Science)
Moscow State Institute for International Relations (MGIMO University), Moscow, Russia
Political scientist with focus on Russia and Eastern Europe. My expertise lies in: Federalism and Decentralization, comparative political regime research, Democratization and Autocratization. I offer more than five years experience in Think-think tanks and science as an expert, author, lecturer.
Klimovich, S. & Bluhm, K. (forthcoming). Beyond cronyism: Local governance and welfare provision by large companies in Russian monotowns. Europe-Asia Studies.
Klimovich, S. (2023). Variation of principal-agent relations in Russian federal autocracy. Regional & Federal Studies, 1–25.
Klimovich, S. (2023). From failed democratization to the war against Ukraine: what happened to Russian institutions under Putin? Zeitschrift Für Politikwissenschaft, 33(1), 103–120.
Klimovich, S. (2023). Mind the Gap between the Governor and the People: The Common Agency Problem in Russian Authoritarian Federalism. Publius: The Journal of Federalism, 53(2), 301–324.
Busygina, I., & Klimovich, S. (2022). Pandemic Decentralization: COVID-19 and Principal–Agent Relations in Russia. Problems of Post-Communism, 1–12.
Klimovich, S., & Kropp, S. (2022). Federal Regression and the Authoritarian Turn in Russia. In S. Keil & S. Kropp (Eds.), Emerging Federal Structures in the Post-Cold War Era (pp. 73–94). Springer International Publishing.
Klimovich, S., Kropp, S., & Pape, U. (2023). Defending business interests in Russia: collective action and social investments as bargaining chips. Post-Communist Economies, 35(1), 17–40.
Kropp, S., Klimovich, S., & Pape, U. (2023). Legitimation strategies of Russian companies: a bricolage of social responsibility. East European Politics, 39(1), 15–38.
Pape, U., Klimovich, S., & Bluhm, K. (2023). Formal contracting and state–business relations in Russia. A case study from Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. East European Politics, 39(1), 57–79.
Busygina, I., & Klimovich, S. (2020). Post-War Germany’s Transition to “Open Access Orderˮ. Obshchestvennye Nauki i Sovremennost, 2, 64–79.
Klimovich, S., & Pape, U. (2020). Business-State Relations and the Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Russia’s Regions. Russian Analytical Digest (RAD), 254, 7–11.
Pape, U., & Klimovich, S. (2019). Gesellschaftliche Unternehmensverantwortung abseits der gewohnten Pfade: Wie Staat und Wirtschaft in Russland zusammenarbeiten. Russland-Analysen, 376, 2–5.
Klimovich, S. (2018). In Search for a Unified Theory of Coalition Formation: From Methodological Nationalism to Methodological Regionalism. Political Science (RU), 1, 249–268.
Busygina, I., & Klimovich, S. (2017). Coalition Within a Coalition: The Baltics in the European Union. Baltic Region, 9(1), 4–17.
Klimovich, S. (2014). Coalition Formation in Germany: Understanding Algorithm, Forecasting Outcomes. Review of Political Science, 4 (28), 70–86.