Dr. Elena Semenova

Chair of German Politics
Office hours
Tuesday 14.00 - 15.00h. Please register via e-mail.
- 12/2007
Moskauer Staatliche M.V. Lomonossow Universität (Russland)
Promotion in Politikwissenschaft (Grad: „Kandidat der politischen Wissenschaften“)
Promotionsprüfungen mit Auszeichnung - 06/2003
Moskauer Staatliche M.V. Lomonossow Universität (Russland)
Diplom in Politikwissenschaft (Note: 1,4) - 05/1998
Gymnasium №2 (Motigino, Krasnojarsk Gebiet) (Russland)
Abitur mit Auszeichnung (Silbermedaille) (Note: 1,1)
- 03/2013
Visiting Scholar, Department of Government und Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies, University of Texas at Austin (Prof. John Higley, Prof. Mary Neuburger und Prof. Robert Moser) - 01/2013-03/2013
Petro Jasyk Visiting Scholar, Centre for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies und Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto, Canada (Prof. Lucan Way) - 07/2009-09/2013
Habilitandin, PostDoc Stipendiatin an der Jena Graduate School “Human Behavior in Social and Economic Change”/ Institut für Soziologie, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (Prof. Heinrich Best) - 10/2009 – 10/2010
Gastwissenschaftlerin, Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Lehrstuhl “Vergleichende Demokratieforschung und politische Systeme Osteuropas” (Prof. Silvia von Steinsdorff) - seit 2008
Gastdozentin, Fakultät für Politikwissenschaft, Moskauer Staatliche M.V. Lomonossow Universität, Russland. - 10/2008-09/2013
Lehrbeauftragte am Institut für Soziologie der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena. - 03/2009-08/2009
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Institut für Soziologie, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena - 08/2007-06/2012
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Universität Jena, Sonderforschungsbereich 580 “Diskontinuität, Tradition, strukturelle Formation” (Projekt A3: Delegationseliten nach dem Systemumbruch) - 10/2006-07/2007
DAAD Gastwissenschaftlerin, Universität Jena, Sonderforschungsbereich 580 “Diskontinuität, Tradition, strukturelle Formation” (Projekt A3: Delegationseliten nach dem Systemumbruch) - 09/2003 - 09/2006
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Moskauer Staatliche M.V. Lomonossow Universität (Russland), Philosophische Fakultät, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Lehrstuhl für Politische Soziologie und Psychologie (Prof. Helen Shestopal)
seit 07/2012
Gewähltes Mitglied im Executive Board des Research Committee “Political Elites” (RC02), International Political Science Association (IPSA) -
10/2010 – 09/2012
Gewählte PostDoc-Vertreterin im Board der Jenaer Graduiertenakademie (Wiederwahl nach einem Jahr). -
10/2010 – 06/2011
Mitglied der Forschungsgruppe “AG PostDoc”, Board der Jenaer Graduiertenakademie (Mitarbeit an dem Bericht zur Analyse der Situation von PostDocs an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena -
-“Introduction to Political Psychology” (mit Prof. David G. Winter, Universität Ann Arbor Michigan), Workshop in der Jena Graduate School, 2.-4. Mai 2011.
-Internationale Konferenz “Images of States, Nations and Leaders”, Moskauer Staatliche M.V. Lomonossow Universität – Yaroslavl Staatliche Universität, 6.-11. Mai 2007, Russland.
-Internationale Konferenz “Political Communication: Problems and Perspectives”, Moskauer Staatliche M.V. Lomonossow Universität, 22.-23. April 2004, Russland. -
-Panel “Federalism in Authoritarian Regimes: the Case of Russia” (mit Prof. Sabine Kropp, DHV Speyer); the 7th General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research, Bordeaux, September 4-7, 2013, France.
-Panel “Advanced Research Methods for Elite Studies”; the 7th General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research, Bordeaux, September 4-7, 2013, France.
-Panel “Russia between Autocracy and Democracy” (with Prof. Silvia von Steinsdorff, HU Berlin), the 6th General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research, Reykjavik, August 25-27, 2011, Iceland. -
-Workshop zur Transformationsforschung, 7.-8. Mai 2012, Erfurt.
-GSBC Sommerschule „Identity, Innovation, and Aging“ (Grouppe Innovation), 19. – 26. September 2010, Oppurg.
- International Political Science Association (IPSA), Research Committee “Political Elites” (RC-02); International Political Science Association (IPSA), Research Committee “Legislative Specialists” (RC-08)
- European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR)
- Standing Group on Central and East European Politics (ECPR)
- International Network “Selection and De-selection of Political Elites” (SEDEPE)
- International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP)
- Russian Political Science Association (RAPN)
- Deutsche Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaften (DVPW)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS), Sektion “Politische Soziologie” (DGS)
- 03/2013
Scholarship, Department of Government und Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies, University of Texas at Austin. - 01/2013 – 03/2013
Petro Jasyk Visiting Scholarship, Centre for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies and Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto. - 07/2009 – 12/2013
PostDoc-Stipendium, Jena Graduate School (Programm ‘ProExcellence’, Freistaat Thüringen) - 09/2008 – 09/2013
Förderung der Kooperation mit der Moskauer Staatlichen M.V. Lomonossow Universität, “Ostpartnerschaften” Programm, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD). - 02/2011
Reisebeihilfe, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, “ProChance” Programm, für Teilnahme an der 1st Joint IPSA-ECPR Conference “Whatever Happened to North-South?”, Sao-Paulo, Brazil. - 11/2010
Einstein Berlin Young Scholars Program Award for Outstanding Young Scholars. - 10/2009 – 10/2010
Projekt „Parlamentarismus in Russland und Ukraine“, gefördert im Rahmen “Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window” Programm (EU). - 10/2006 – 07/2007
DAAD Stipendium für Nachwuchswissenschaftler - 2003-2006
Staatliches Promotionsstipendium mit einem Zuschlag von der Moskauer Staatlichen M.V. Lomonossow Universität, Russische Föderation - 1998-2003
Staatliches Universitätsstipendium mit einem Zuschlag von der Moskauer Staatlichen M.V. Lomonossow Universität, Russische Föderation
- Einführung in die Netzwerkanalyse
- Eliten in Deutschland: Rekrutierung und Karrieren
- Einführung in die politische Psychologie
- Minister und Ministerialbürokratie in Deutschland
- Informality in Politics and Economy
- Elites in Germany: Recruitement and Careers
- Parliamentarism: Germany in the international comparison
- Introduction to Research on Elites
- Informality: a comparative perspective
- Elitenforschung
- Rekrutierung von Abgeordneten und Kabinettzusammensetzung (speziell in Mehr-ebenensystemen)
- Politische Karrieren und Parteien
- Politische Psychologie
- Demokratisierung in post-kommunistischen Staaten
- Seit 07/2009
Habilitationsprojekt “Elite stability and democratic consolidation in Central and Eastern Europe”, gefördert durch die Jena Graduate School (Programm ‘ProExzellenz’, Freistaat Thüringen), den Sonderforschungsbereich 580 (Frierich-Schiller-Universität Jena), und das DAAD “Ostpartnerschaften”-Programm und Moskauer Staatliche M.V. Lomonossow Universität, Russland. - Seit 07/2012
Projekt “Formation of Parliamentary Elites in Ukraine: Institutions and Networks” (mit Tetiana Kostiuchenko), gefördert durch die Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena und die Nationale Universität “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”, Ukraine. - 09/2010 – 12/2011
Kollektiveprojekt “Human Capital of Political Elites in Russia” (unter Leitung von Prof. Helen Shestopal, Moskauer Staatliche M.V. Lomonossow Universität, Russland), gefördert durch die Russische Staatliche Forschungsgesellschft (RGNF). - 10/2009 – 10/2010
Projekt “Political Elites in an Executive-Dominated System: Ministers and MPs in Russia, 1991-2010”, gefördert durch das “Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window”, EU. - 10/2006 – 07/2007
Projekt “Political Leaders and Public Opinion: Germany and Russia in Comparison”, gefördert durch den Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst (DAAD) - 2006-2007
- Kollektivprojekt “Russia’s Future: Regional and Federal Views. Political Sphere” (unter Leitung von Prof. Helen Shestopal), gefördert durch die INO-Centre Foundation, Russland.
- 2005-2006
Kollektivprojekt “Political Socialization of Russian Adolescents” (unter Leitung von Dr. Andrey Zverev), gefördert durch die Russische Gesellschaft für Grundlagenforschung (RFFI). - 2003-2004
Kollektivprojekt “The Image of Moscow in the Post-Soviet Period, 1990-2003” (unter Leitung von Prof. Helen Shestopal), gefördert durch die Moskauer Regierung, Russland.
- 1. Semenova Elena (2008), How to Become an MP: Die Rekrutierung von deutschen und russischen Parlamentariern im Vergleich (Jena, SFB 580 Mitteilungen), 87 p.
- 2. Semenova Elena (2007), Image Perception of Political Leaders: Public Opinion in Russia and Germany (Мoskau, Dissertationsschrift), 179 p.
- 1. Elena Semenova, Michael Edinger, and Heinrich Best (eds) (2013), Parliamentary Elites in Central and Eastern Europe. Recruitment and Representation (London; New York: Routledge). Online Version
- 1. Semenova, Elena (2012), ‘Continuities in the formation of Russian political elites’, Historical Social Research, 37(2), 71-90.
- 2. Semenova, Elena (2012), ‘Patterns of Parliamentary Recruitment and Careers in Ukraine, 1990-2007’, East European Politics and Societies, 26(3), 538-560. DOI: 10.1177/0888325412439464.
- 3. Semenova, Elena (2011), ‘Ministerial and Parliamentary Elites in an Executive-Dominated System: Post-Soviet Russia 1991-2009’, Comparative Sociology, 10(6), 908–927.DOI: 10.1163/156913311X607629.
- 4. Khmelko, Irina, Semenova, Elena, Teleshun, S., and Titarenko, A. (2011), ‘Regionalism in Ukraine and Its Role in Ukrainian Politics’, Journal of East European and Asian Studies, 2 (1), 93-111.
- 5. Semenova, Elena (2007), ‘Perception of Images of W. Putin and G. Schröder: 2004-2006’, Moscow State University Review, 6, 48-62 (auf Russisch).
Articles in Edited Books
Reviewed Articles:- 1. Semenova, Elena, Edinger, Michael, and Best, Heinrich (2013) Parliamentary Elite Formation After the Communism. An Introduction, in Semenova, Elena, Edinger, Michael, and Heinrich Best, Parliamentary Elites in Central and Eastern Europe. Recruitment and Representation (London; New York: Routledge). SS. 1-29.
- 2. Semenova, Elena (2013) Parliamentary Elites in Ukraine: Change and Stability, in Semenova, Elena, Edinger, Michael, and Heinrich Best (eds.), Parliamentary Elites in Central and Eastern Europe. Recruitment and Representation (London; New York: Routledge). SS. 261-283.
- 3. Semenova, Elena, Edinger, Michael, and Best, Heinrich (2013) Patterns of Parliamentary Elite Recruitment in Central and Eastern Europe. A Comparative Analysis, in Semenova, Elena, Edinger, Michael, and Heinrich Best (eds), Parliamentary Elites in Central and Eastern Europe. Recruitment and Representation (London; New York: Routledge). SS. 284-307.
- 4. Semenova, Elena (2014), “According to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation”… Selection and de-selection of Russian ministers, 1990-2012”, in: Keith Dowding and Patrick Dumont, eds., The Selection of Ministers around the World: A Comparative View. (London; New York: Routledge). Forthcoming.
- 5. Best, Heinrich, and Semenova, Elena (2014), The Development Of Parliamentary Representation in Post-1990 Europe, in Jose M. Magone (ed.), Routledge Handbook of European Politics. (London; New York: Routledge). Forthcoming.
- 1. Semenova, Elena, Personality and Institutional Framework: Russia, Germany, and the USA in Comparison, in Shestopal, Elena B. (Ed.): Perspectives of Political Psychology: New Approaches (Moskau, MGU Press). Im Erscheinen.
- 2. Semenova, Elena (2012), Ministers of the Russian Government: Patterns of Recruitment and Careers (1990-2012). In: Gaman-Golutvina, Oxana V. (ed.), Political Class in a Modern Society (Moskau: ROSSPEN), 165-173 (auf Russisch). ISBN: 978-5-8243-1723-7.
- 3. Semenova, Elena (2010), Professionalization of Parliamentary Elites: Russia and Germany in Comparison, in Gaman-Golutvina, Oxana (Ed.): Democracy versus Elitism (Moskau, ROSSPEN), 187-199 (auf Russisch).
- 4. Semenova, Elena (2008a), Parliamentary Elites in Eastern Europe: Recruitment and Careers, in Modernization in Eastern Europe? Dynamics of Inter- and Intrastate Changes (Bremen, Forschungsstelle Osteuropa), 112-117.
- 5. Semenova, Elena (2008b), Images of States and Political Leaders: Russia and Germany in comparison, in Shestopal, Elena B. (Ed.): Images of States, Nations and Political Leaders (Moskau, Aspekt Press), 252-263 (auf Russisch).
- 6. Semenova, Elena (2008c), Education as the Factor of Political Leader’s Image Perception, in Shestopal, Elena (Ed.): Images of Power in Russia: from Yeltsin to Putin (Мoskau, ROSSPEN), 414-420 (auf Russisch).
- 7. Semenova, Elena (2008d), Presidents in the Public Mind: the Case of Russia, in Shestopal, Elena (Ed.): Images of Power in Russia: from Yeltsin to Putin (Мoskau, ROSSPEN), 448-457 (auf Russisch).
- 8. Semenova, Elena (2006), Changes in Political Opinions in Russia after 2004: "the Second Putins´ Republic”?, in Shestopal, Elena B. (Ed.): The "Second Republic" of Putin: Psychological Aspects (Moskau: ROSSPEN), 190-210 (auf Russisch).
- 9. Semenova, Elena (2005), The Concept of "the Image of State" in the Psychology of International Relations, in International Conference "Lomonossov – 2005 (Moskau, Mysl Press), 315-330 (auf Russisch).
- 10. Semenova, Elena (2004a), Public Opinion and Psychological Mechanisms of Image Preception of „own” and "foreign" Political Leaders, in Shestopal, Elena B. (Ed.): Micropolitics. Subjective Aspects of Political Process in Modern Russia (Moskau, Misl Press), 18-36 (auf Russisch).
- 11. Semenova, Elena (2004b), Image Perception Analysis of "own” and "foreign" Political Leaders in the Russian Public Opinion: The Cases of G. Bush and W. Putin, in Chernischov, Dmitrij (Ed.): Psychology of Political Power (Saratov, MION), 34-49 (auf Russisch).
- 1. Semenova, Elena. Parliamentary Party Switching: Formal Models and Career Explanations. Aufsatz, 35 Seiten.
- 2. Kropp, Sabine, and Semenova, Elena. Special Issue “Federalism in Authoritarian States: the Case of Russia”.
- 3. Semenova, Elena. (Un)democratic elitism: Elite stability and democratization in Central and Eastern Europe (Habilitationsschrift).
- 4. Semenova, Elena. Ukrainian Elites: Networks and Political Background (with Tetiana Kostuichenko)
- Recruitment and Turnover of Russian Governors, 1993-2012 (September 4-7, 2013). Präsentation bei der 7. General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research, Bordeaux, Frankreich.
- The Length of a Gubernatorial Career in Russia: Regional Differences (October 17-19, 2012). Präsentation beim internationalen SEDEPE workshop “Sub-national Elites”, Montreal, Canada.
- Representative Elites in Eastern and Central Europe: Recruitment and Careers (with Heinrich Best und Michael Edinger) (October 1-5, 2012). Präsentation beim Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Bochum.
- Elite Foundations of Russia: Personality and Institutional Structure (July 8-12, 2012). Präsentation bei der 22. World Congress of Political Science of the International Political Science Association, Madrid, Spanien.
- The Career Duration of Russian Prime Ministers (1991-2011) (July 8-12, 2012). Präsentation bei der 22. World Congress of Political Science of the International Political Science Association, Madrid, Spanien.
- Survival of Nomenklatura in Post-Soviet Russia? (December 8-9, 2011). Präsentation bei der internationalen Konferenz “Elite (Dis-)continuities in East and Central Europe since 1989/90”, Jena, Deutschland.
- All Roads Lead to Moscow? Careers of Russian Political Elites in a Multi-Level System (August 25-27, 2011). Präsentation bei der 6. General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research, Reykjavik, Iceland.
- Legislative Party Switching and Parliamentary Careers: The Case of the Russian State Duma 1993-2007 (April 2-4, 2011). Präsentation bei der British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies (BASEES) Annual Conference, Cambridge, UK.
- Political Modernization in Post-Soviet Countries: Empirical Indicators (February 16-18, 2011). Präsentation bei der 1. Joint IPSA-ECPR Conference “Whatever Happened to North-South?”, Sao-Paulo, Brasilien.
- Elite Configuration and Circulation in Post-Communist Russia (February 16-18, 2011). Präsentation bei der 1. Joint IPSA-ECPR Conference “Whatever Happened to North-South?”, Sao-Paulo, Brasilien.
- The Elitist Approach to Democracy: (Initial) Confirmation, (Recent) Critique and (Future) Challenge (February 16-18, 2011). Präsentation bei der 1. Joint IPSA-ECPR Conference “Whatever Happened to North-South?”, Sao-Paulo, Brasilien (mit Dr. Michael Edinger).
- Political Elites in an Executive-Dominated System: the Case of Russia: 1990-2008 (May 27-28, 2010). Präsentation bei der Konferenz von Belgian-Dutch Political Science Association „Politicologenetmaal“, Leuven, Belgien.
- Delegative Democracy and Inter-Elite Conflicts: Russia and Ukraine in Comparative Prospective (May 7-8, 2010). Präsentation bei der internationalen Konferenz “20 Years After: Parliamentary Democracy and Parliamentary Representation in Post-Communist Europe”, Dornburg, Deutschland.
- Ministerial Recruitment in Post-Soviet Russia (November 20-22, 2009). Präsentation bei der 5. All-Russian Congress for Political Sciences, Moskau, Russland.
- Political Recruitment and Circulation in an Executive-Dominated System: Ministers and MPs in the Post-Soviet Russia 1990-2008 (July 12-16, 2009). Präsentation bei der 21. World Congress of Political Science of the International Political Science Association, Santiago, Chile.
- Attitudes of Russian and German Parliamentarians in Comparison (June 23-26, 2009). Präsentation bei der 5. Internationalen Konferenz "Hierarchy and Power in the History of Civilizations", Moskau, Russland.
- Recruitment and Careers of East European Parliamentarians: the State Duma in Russia (November 28-30, 2008). Präsentation bei der 16. Konferenz für Jungen Osteuropaexterten ‘Modernization in Eastern and Central Europe? Dynamics of Inter- and Intra-State Changes”, Berlin, Deutschland.
- Personality and Parliamentary Politics: A Case Study of Personality Elements of Russian and German MPs (July 9-12, 2008). Präsentation bei der 31. Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Paris, Frankreich.
- Images of Political Leaders and States: Germany, USA, and Russia in Comparison (June 5-10, 2007). Präsentation bei der internationalen Konferenz “Images of States, Nations and Political Leader”, Moscow - Yaroslavl, Russland.
- Personality of Political Leaders and Democratic Performance (November 30– December 2, 2006). Präsentation at the Conference of 3 Countries "Politics and Personality" (ÖGPW – SVPW – DVPW), Vienna, Österreich.
- Transformation of the Idea of Democracy in Russia from 1999 to 2004 (April 22, 2004). Präsentation bei der internationalen Konferenz “Political Communication: Past, Present, and Future”, Moscow, Russland.
- Psychological Perception Mechanisms in the Public Opinion: The Cases of B. Yeltsin and W. Putin (April 20-23, 2003). Präsentation bei der internationalen Konferenz “Psychology of Political Power”, Saratov, Russland.
- Cabinet Formation in Post-Soviet Russia: Ministers & Cronies (March 25, 2013). Präsentation im Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies and the Government Department, University Austin at Texas, USA.
- Business Representation in Eastern European Parliaments: A Quantitative Analysis (March 12, 2013). Präsentation bei der Munk School for Global Affairs, University of Toronto, Canada.
- Representative Elites in Eastern and Central Europe: Recruitment and Development (September 5-7, 2012). Präsentation bei der internationalen Konferenz “Domestic Elites and Public Opinion – The Neglected Dimension of Externally Induced Democratization”, Konstanz, Deutschland.
- Back in the USSR? Continuities in the Formation of Russian Political Elites (May 7-8, 2012). Präsentation beim Workshop on Transformation Research, Erfurt, Deutschland.
- Political Ambitions in Multi-Level Systems: USA, Germany and Russia in a Comparative Perspective (October 22-23, 2010). Präsentation bei der internationalen Konferenz “Perspectives of Political Psychology”, Moskau, Russland.
- Cabinet Recruitment: Russia in European Perspective (February 12, 2010). Präsentation am Institut für Sozialwissenshcfaten, Humboldt Universität Berlin, Deutschland.
- Transformation of Elites in Russia: 1993-2009 (June 05, 2009). Invited presentation at the Institute of Social Sciences, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany.
- Images of Political Leaders: Germany and Russia in Comparison (January 25, 2006). Präsentation am Institut für Soziologie und dem SFB580 “Discontinuity, tradition, structural formation”, Jena, Deutschland.