Dr. Steven Ballantyne

Room 108
14195 Berlin
European University Institute:
PhD in Social and Political Science 2020-2024
Thesis Title: Social Investment in Europe: From Policy Adoption to Design and Implementation
Master of Research in Social and Political Science 2020-2021
University of Edinburgh:
Visiting PhD Researcher 2023
University of Strathclyde:
MSc European Politics (with Distinction) 2019-2020
University of Stirling:
BA with Honours in History and Politics 2009-2013
Carleton Univesity (International Exchange):
BA with Honours in History and Politics 2011-2012
Freie Universität Berlin
Postdoctoral Researcher
Postdoctoral Researcher on the Fritz Thyssen Foundation funded project “Territorial Inequality in Education”
January 2025 - present
University of Edinburgh
Social Policy & Society; Comparative Social Policy: Global Perspectives (undergraduate)
European Social Policy (postgraduate)
Autumn Semester 2024
European University Institute
Research Assistant
Literature review for the ERC and CitiLab research project “Laboratories of Social Investment”
Fieldwork and data transcription for the ERC project “Wellbeing Returns on Social Investment Recalibration” (WellSIre)
Data collection and profile for Sweden and the UK for the EUI project “Post-covid Social Contract”
University of Strathclyde
Research Assistant
Coding political party leader conference speeches for Dr. Zachary Greene
Research Interests
Comparative Public Policy
Government and Governance
Comparative Political Economy
Refereed articles and book chapters
Ballantyne, S. (2025). Questioning National Averages and Explaining Subna- tional Variation in Early Childhood Education and Care Provision in Spain: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, 1–25. https://doi.org/10.1080/13876988.2024.2439266
Ballantyne, S., & Mascioli, L. (2024). Spaces of subsidiarity: A comparative inquiry into the social agenda of Cohesion Policy. Social Policy & Administra- tion, 1–16. http://doi.org/10.1111/spol.13006
Book reviews
Ballantyne, S. (2024), The world politics of social investment: Volume II. Julian L. Garritzmann (Ed.), Silja Häusermann (Ed.), Bruno Palier (Ed.), Oxford: Ox- ford University Press. 2022. £64 (hardback). ISBN: 9780197601457 . Soc Policy Adm, 58: 541-542. https://doi.org/10.1111/spol.12980
Policy papers
‘Taking Social Investment Seriously in EU Cohesion Policy’ (With Anton Hemerijck, Gemma Scalise and Lorenzo Mascioli). European Commission High Level Group on the Future of Cohesion Policy. Available at: https://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/policy/how/future-cohesion-policy_en