Dr. Christoph Nguyen

Chair of German Politics
Room 205a
14195 Berlin
Office hours
During Teaching Activity
Tuesday: 12.00pm - 2.00pm
Please register in advance: Link
During no Teaching Activity
Per Appointment
September 2014
Ph.D, Political Science, Northwestern University
Dissertation: Feeling Vulnerable? Affect, Appraisal, and Trust in Times of Economic Insecurity
Committee : Jason Seawright, James Mahoney, Martin Behrens
December 2010
MA, Political Science, Northwestern University
With distinction
Colby College, Waterville, ME
May 2006
B.A. in Economics & International Studies
Cum Laude, Dean’s List, Davis Scholar
Sep 2014-Present
Southern Denmark University, Odense
Postdoc, Department of Political Science and Public Management
Centre for Welfare State Research
• Experimental Lab Assistant for Jason Seawright , Spring 2011
• Country Research and Translation Assistant for Georgia Kernell, Winter 2011
• Survey Design and Data Collection for Jim Mahoney, Winter 2010
• ICPSR Summer School 2012: Introduction to Bayesian Analysis and Regression III
SERVICE• Conference Coordinator: EspaNet 2015
• Founding Coordinator for the Quantitative Methods Workshop, Northwestern University
• Coordinator for the Comparative Historical Social Science Workshop, Northwestern University
• Peer Review: Journal of European Social Policy
• Council of European Studies – Political Economy and Welfare Research Network
• American Political Science Association
- PSTWA: Wer wählt wen? Populistische Parteiaffinität in Deutschland und im Vergleich (2 Kurse)
- Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics? - Politische Datenkompetenz gewinnen und vermitteln
- Techniken der Empirischen Parlamentsanalyse in R
- Sozialpolitik in Deutschland
- Institutional Analysis: The case of Germany
- Sozialpolitik in Deutschland
- Das politische System Deutschlands im internationalen Vergleich
Project-Lead: "Soziale Kohäsion in Krisenzeiten Die Corona-Pandemie und anti-asiatischer Rassismus in Deutschland" (Social Cohesion in Times of Crisis: The Corona-Pandemic and anti-asian Racism in Germany; german only)
- "Attributing blame: how political parties in Germany leverage cooperative federalism." West European Politics, (2023), pp. 1–27 (mit Sabine Kropp und Antonios Souris) Link
- "The hidden majority/minority consensus: Minorities show similar preference patterns of mmigrant support as the majority population." The British Journal of Sociology, (2023) (mit Sabrina J. Mayer, Jörg Dollmann und Susanne Veit) Link
- "Prägt Opportunismus das föderale System? Herausforderungen des „bundesfreundlichen Verhaltens“ in der Corona-Krise." In: In Staat, Rechtsstaat und Demokratie : konzeptionelle und aktuelle Diskussionen in der vergleichenden Politikwissenschaft, Springer VS, pp.41-66, (2022) (mit Sabine Kropp und Antonios Souris) Link
- "Angry populists or concerned citizens? How linguistic emotion ascriptions shape affective, cognitive, and behavioural responses to political outgroups," Cognition and Emotion, (2022), pp. 1-15 (mit Philipp Wunderlich und Christian von Scheve) Link
- "The impact of emotions on polarization. Anger polarizes attitudes towards vaccine mandates and increases affective polarization," Research & Politics., vol. 9, no. 3, (2022) (mit Sabrina J. Mayer und Susanne Veit) Link
- "Zusammenhalt Im Bundesstaat? Bundesfreundliche Und Opportunistische Argumentationsstrategien in Der Pandemie.” Der Moderene Staat Dms ; Zeitschrift Für Public Policy, Recht Und Management, vol. 15, no. 1, 2022, pp. 20–41 (mit Sabine Kropp und Antonios Souris) Link
"From Specific Worries to Generalized Anger: The Emotional Dynamics of Right-Wing Political Populism",The Palgrave Handbook of Populism pp. 145-160, (2022), Palgrave Macmillan, Cham (mit Mikko Salmela und Christian von Scheve) Link
- "Angry Reactionary Narcissists? Anger Activates the Link Between Narcissism and Right-Populist Party Support." Politics and Governance, 9:3, (2020), pp. 248-259. (with Sabrina J. Mayer) Link
- "Antiasiatischer Rassismus in Deutschland", Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 70 (2020) ,42-44, (mit Kimiko Suda und Sabrina J. Mayer)
- "Föderale Leitbilder als verfassungspolitischer Handlungsrahmen im deutschen Bundesstaat". In: Knüpling F., Kölling M., Kropp S., Scheller H. (eds) Reformbaustelle Bundesstaat. Springer VS, Wiesbaden. (2020) (mit Sabine Kropp) Link
- "Anti-elite parties and political inequality: How challenges to the political mainstream reduce income gaps in internal efficacy", European Journal of Political Research, forthcoming (mit Paul Marx).
- "Political participation in European welfare states: does social investment matter?" , Journal of European Public Policy, 25:6 (2018), pp. 912-943. Link
- "Labor Market Insecurity and Generalized Social Trust in Welfare State Context", European Sociological Review, 33:2 (2017), pp. 225-239. Link
- "Are the Unemployed Less Politically Involved? A Comparative Study of Internal Political Efficacy", European Sociological Review, 32:5 (2016), pp. 634-648 (mit Paul Marx). Link
- "Causality and Time in Historical Institutionalism", The Oxford Handbook of Historical Institutionalism, 2016 (mit James Mahoney und Khairunnisa Mohamedali). Link
- Landesparlamente in der Corona-Krise, Berlin University Alliance, (2022) (mit Sabine Kropp und Antonios Souris) Link
- Economic Voting Reconsidered: Economic Insecurity, Affect, and Responsibility Attribution Democracy and Capital Account Liberalization in the Developing World (mit Steve Nelson und David Steinberg).
- 'Book review: Stephan Mau: Inequality, Marketization and the Majority Class: Why Did the European Middle Classes Accept Neo-Liberalism? , Czech Sociological Review, 53:3 (2017), pp. 484-487. Link
- "Just one Piece of the Puzzle: Leiharbeit and Institutional Change in German Industrial Relations", Perspectives on Europe, 42:2 (Autumn 2012), pp. 83-88.
“It’s not whether you win or lose; it’s how you place the blame: Affect, Appraisal, and Responsibility Attribution”
• Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, 2015 – Chicago, USA
“Insecurity, Party Position, and Political Behavior”
• Access Europe Workshop on Experimental Methods in Welfare State Research, 2014 – Amsterdam, NL
“Economic Insecurity and Organizational Trust: German Work Councilor's Trust and the
Global economic crisis”
• Meeting of the Council of European Studies, 2014 –Washington, USA
• Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, 2014 – Chicago, USA
• Austerity and the Crisis: Managing the global Economy at Cardiff Business School, 2013
• WSI Discussion Forum, Hans Böckler Stiftung, 2013 – Düsseldorf, Germany
“Labor-Market Uncertainty, Trust and Redistribution: Connecting Institutional Change and
Individual Attitudes”
• Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, 2012 – New Orleans, USA
• Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, 2012 – Chicago, USA
• Meeting of the Council of European Studies, 2012 – Boston, USA
• Coping with Instability in Market Societies – Science Po , 2011 – Paris, France
“Hard to Coordinate a Free Lunch- Assessing the Effects of European Monetary Union on
central-bank wage-bargaining coordination”
• Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, 2011– Chicago, USA
• Science Po- Northwestern-Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies Graduate Conference, 2010 – Paris, France