Marvin Reis
Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science
Center for Political Sociology of Germany
Office hours
Arrangement via mail (in person or online)
- since 2024: Predoctoral Researcher at the Center for Political Sociology of Germany, Otto-Suhr-Insitute of Political Science, Freie Universität Berlin
- since 2023: Research Assistant at LSE in a project investigating international investment migration
- 2023-2024: M.Sc. Political Sociology at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
- 2022-2023: Graduate Researcher in the research unit "Social Determinants of Health", Robert-Koch-Insitute (RKI)
- 2021-2022: Research Assistant in the research unit "Social Determinants of Health", Robert-Koch-Insitute (RKI)
- 2020-2022: Research Assistant at the German Socioeconomic Panel (GSOEP), German Institute of Economic Research (DIW Berlin)
- 2019-2020: Research Assistant at the German Ageing Survey (DEAS), German Centre of Gerontology (DZA)
- 2018-2022: B.A. Social Sciences at Humboldt-University Berlin
- Political Behavior
- (Regional) Inequality
- Parties and Politics in Transition
- Transformation in East Germany
- Quantitative Methods
Journal Articles
Reis, M., Michalski, N., Bartig, S., Wulkotte, E., Poethko-Müller, C., Graeber, D., Schaffrath Rosario, A., Hövener, C., & Hoebel, J. (2024). Reconsidering inequalities in COVID-19 vaccine uptake in Germany: A spatiotemporal analysis combining individual educational level and area-level socioeconomic deprivation. Scientific Reports, 14.
Michalski, N., Reis, M., Tetzlaff, F., Herber, M., Kroll, L. E., Hövener, C., Nowossadeck, E., & Hoebel, J. (2022). German Index of Socioeconomic Deprivation (GISD): Revision, Aktualisierung und Anwendungsbeispiele. Journal of Health Monitoring, S5.
Michalski, N., Reis, M., Tetzlaff, F., Herber, M., Kroll, L. E., Hövener, C., Nowossadeck, E., & Hoebel, J. (2022). German Index of Socioeconomic Deprivation (GISD): Revision, update and application examples. Journal of Health Monitoring, S5.
Michalski, N., Reis, M., Tetzlaff, F., Nowossadeck, E., & Hoebel, J. (2022). German Index of Socioeconomic Deprivation (GISD) (Version 2022-12-02) [Dataset]. Zenodo.
Other Publications
Reis, M., & Klaus, D. (2020). Parteipräferenz der 46- bis 85-Jährigen (DZA-Fact Sheet). Deutsches Zentrum für Altersfragen.