Univ.-Prof. Dr. Cilja Harders

Professor / Director of the Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies
Ihnestraße 22
Room 228
14195 Berlin
Room 228
14195 Berlin
(030) - 838 456640
Office hours
Weekly office hours by Prof. Dr. Harders take place on Tuesdays from 14:45 PM until 15:45 PM.
Please register by sending an email to laura.lelli@fu-berlin.de
Scientific career
- since 04/2007: Professor and Head of the Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies at the Otto-Suhr-Institute for Political Science, Freie Universität Berlin
- 09/2002-03/2007: Junior professorship "Gender Studies with a focus on Political Science", Faculty of Social Sciences, Ruhr University Bochum
- 08/2001 - 08/2002: Research Assistant (C1) in Political Science and Gender Studies (Prof. Dr. Brigitte Young), Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
- 1995-1999: Dissertation "Urban Poverty and Political Participation in Egypt. Micro- and Mesopolitical Analyses of Different Cairo Neighborhoods", University of Hamburg at the Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences (Disputation: Nov. 1999)
- 04/1995-02/1998: Research Assistant in the DFG-Project "Democratization and Participation" (Head: Prof. Dr. Rainer Tetzlaff), University of Hamburg, Institute for Political Science
- 1987-1994: Studies of Political Science and minor subjects in Literature and Sociology at the Universities of Freiburg and Hamburg (graduated with Magister Artium)
- Degree in Political Science wirh Literature and Sociology as minors at the Universities of Freiburg and Hamburg (graduated with a Magister Artium)
Working areas
- Transformation of Statehood between Democratization and Authoritarianism,
- Participation and Transformation
- Poverty, foreign and security policy in the Middle East after September 11, 2001
- Rgional cooperation in the Middle East
- Euro-Arab relations
- Gender and violence
- Peace and conflict studies and women's participation
- APSA (American Political Science Association)
- MESA (Middle East Studies Association)
- DAVO (Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Vorderer Orient)
- WOCMES (World Organization for Middle Eastern Studies)
- 2002-2006 Executive Director of the MA program "Gender Studies - Culture, Communication, Society" at the Ruhr University
- Scientific Advisory Board of the Marie Jahoda Visiting Professorship, Ruhr-University Bochum, Network Women's Studies North Rhine-Westphalia, Speaker of the "Working Group Politics and Gender" in the DVPW (2000-2002))